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Harker Heights Audio Engineers, Producers & Songwriters
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I am Motivated, Ambitious and Determined to give you that Professional, Clean, Crisp sound you are looking for.
Professional vocalist, songwriter with 15+ years of vocal experience
Kevin Sohn is a music producer and live performer from Buenos Aires, Argentina. His creations are lavish with a colorful touch and groovy sounds. He is a spontaneous composer who has approached his career creating bass driven tracks and soulful melodies with a unique attitude.
We have mixed and mastered 200+ piano and neoclassical pieces, garnering millions of streams. Balancing the beautiful dynamics of classical music while ensuring the volumes are up to industry standards takes time to master - and we've taken that time. We can take your tracks from good to amazing and ready for distribution.
Specializing in Mastering of all genres // Streaming-ready masters // Mastering for Vinyl // Stem Mastering. I've worked with individual artists, bands, and commercial clients, leveraging 15 years experience in and around studio, live sound, and live performance.
✔ POP PUNK ✔ INDIE ✔ ROCK ✔ ALTERNATIVE: Featured in countless songs, I've been helping singers from all over the world succeed with unique pop-punk/rock/alternative tracks for over 10 years. My biggest assets: - Sticking to super fast turn arounds - Anticipating the vision of the artist - Outstanding customer care skills
Colombian singer, songwriter and producer, I have worked in different genres and my musical project is growing, I would like to participate in the growth of yours as well
A meticulous mixing and recording engineer based in Atlanta,GA, I've honed my craft while contributing to the success of two cutting-edge recording studios. Collaborating with acclaimed artists such as Vedo, Pig The Gemini, Rugrat OD, and Courtney Williams of the Chicago Sky, I've consistently delivered top-notch audio quality and hope to have th
Recent Successes
"Great to deal with, delivered everything I asked for and also was very welcoming to any changes or additions. A very unique vocal style that worked really well with the track I was working on."
"Max wrote the charts, played sax, and brought in his trumpet accomplice for a song of mine musically situated halfway between Memphis and New Orleans. The result was out-of-this-world good. Was even able to make sense..."
"You won't find a better mixer than Marc, ANYWHERE! We thought our tracks sounded good before we met him. Now we're spoiled and can't go anywhere else. Amazing talent."
"If you want a clean professional mastering job done while bringing out the best of your music, Elliot is your man. I just had my entire album mastered by Elliot and the results are spectacular as always, leaving me ev..."
"Ryan did an excellent job and hit the mark perfectly. Great communication and his playing made the track. Thanks Ryan!"
"Absolute professional! Beautiful keys that perfectly finished my song! I will use Leo again!"
"I worked with Tim, here on SoundBetter during October and November of 2023 and found him excellent to work with. The communication was very good and Tim was very professional in how he went about his business. The qua..."