Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Hanzel Casty
"Elevate your Reggaeton tracks with Luca Taneli's expert beats, flawless mixing, and mastering magic. Level up your sound on SoundBetter!"
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A Recording Artist/ Producer, Audio Engineer from Sacramento, CA
I make music because music is my life, and life is the most important thing.
Frequencies are the most vital part of music and I will not put down a project until the frequencies resonate with you :) I was in a band, SondorBlue, and toured the US playing music festivals like Firefly and Summerfest, all-the-while wearing earplugs of course. My specialty is Hip-Hop/R&B, but I love working on all genres across the spectrum.
Boots ,Jeans and Jewelry Series and Hot Red Lick stick Make-up artist and Producer /Managing Director looking for the right staff for my crew to distribute movies ,music ,media and set designs for that hot gurl or gui.
"Sound Like You ... Only Better!" Successful Fortune 500 Mktg/Comm VP now helps execs & teams w/ more effective communications: Speeches, PowerPoints, Videos, Ghostwriting just about anything. Coach effective presentations. Also use My Friends,The Words as lyricist. Author of Virginia's anthem. Billboard-charted hits incl. 4 #1's. 100% Guarantee.
Recording Engineer, Mixing Engineer, Musician
A pro session singer and topliner with 15 years of experience in sessions and on the stage. I have sung for top producers, hit songwriters and collaborated with top artists for pop, gospel and music theatre productions. Where possible I try to be available in person, but always available remotely.
Worked with international artists such as Haedie one, Kenzie, Mata, anastazja Maciąg and many more.
Recent Successes
"Excellent musician! Professional work and most importantly personal view on how the music should be played. AAAA++, would work again with bigaudiobox without hesitation!"
"Daniel brought my beginner guitar licks to radio ready music. He helped arrange, he created massive and tasteful solo’s and gave power to the song I wanted. Daniel added bass and drums tracks just because he is that c..."
"Definitely wanna work with him again, incredible talent, hard worker & fast replier. Just amazing!"
"Real quick and easy to work with. He knows what to do from the first listen!"
"Great to work with! Is willing and able to deliver the project YOU want. Has a great ear to be able to hear subtleties in what you send him, and able to give them back just as expected. Would highly recommend you work..."
"Once again Mariami has done an amazing job on the latest track. She feels music so naturally and instinctively that she needs very little direction. So melodic and great phrasing. I am delighted with the result. An em..."
"Working with Austin was wonderful! He does AMAZING work in a very timely manner and communicates well with you to make sure you're getting what you want. If I could give 10 stars, I totally would. If I need another so..."
"Fabulous voice Brilliant personality Quick response Strong vocals "
"Just finished a track with Stevan's help and it sounds amazing!!! Thank you Stevan for your expertise, professionalism and creativity. I highly recommend him for a professional sound on your project."