Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Hannah Jayne
Incredible sounding masters for only $35/song! Very easy to work with and a fast turnaround. Highly detailed & precision oriented with outstanding communication and results. (I offer high quality mastering at low rates because I truly love doing this, and I want to help musicians achieve an amazing finalized sound without breaking the bank.)
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4X Latin Grammy Nominee. I'm looking to elevate the artist's vision to new heights.
I will mix & master your tracks
I make bomb trap beats, a kind of a new style (different) like dark trap beats and chillout beats, even slow tempo beats for talented rappers.
Let’s turn an emotion into lyrics and make magic!
I try to keep my music as close to my emotions as possible and so I use the sounds of my surroundings and instruments. I also trust my ears to mix my songs in addition to using technique. Eventually, I separate music from the industry and find it pure art.
I have a Bachelor's Degree in Music Performance and I have been playing professionally for over 20 years. I have experience with all kinds of rhythms and musical genres. I have played in lots of settings (f.e. folk, academic) which has given me a broad vision of music and a load of live-playing experience.
Composer, Producer & Sound designer with a special interest in audiovisual productions, including animation, documentaries, film & game audio.
I am looking to change the music industry.
Recent Successes
" It sounds great! You go for the music inside: we can hear that! There is a lot of warmth inside from the beginning to the end. Therefor we wil recomment you to our colleagues in the future! Many, many THNX again fo..."
"MASTERED got a very high quality pass at my song done in less than a day, which was amazing. Would definitely work with him/her (didn't catch a name) again. I will definitely be getting my songs mastered by them going..."
"Excellent work as always"
"He did a fine job. Very accommodating. He may have been rolling his eyes when I'd get a little nit-picky about something, but he never let me know it. He worked with me throughout to give me the end result I wanted..."
"Once again Séb has written an amazing topline!! Never fails to write a hit and his turnaround time is super quick! Always a pleasure working with him."
"Dan was super chill to work with and i appreciated he took the time to get a feel of the vibes i had envisioned for this song, while still adding his own polished sleek hard hitting sound. I’d definitely work with Dan..."
"Always great!"
"Shelley is not only a wonderful voice but also a wonderful person. Ahead of deadlines, super friendly, professional. Thank you so much, I'm sure we'll meet again!"
"Nates knows exactly what kind of drum groove your song needs. In addition his recordings sound professional. Look no further, Nate Barnes is your drummer!"
"Wendy is very talented and professional. She did beautiful backvocals, multiples layers of vocals and very interesting melodies. Thabk you so much Wendy for your excellent work!! "
"Leo provided takes for two different songs and once again, nailed each one. I haven't worked with another bassist since I found him!"