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Hafnarfjörður Audio Engineers, Producers & Songwriters
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Hey Everyone, I'm a session saxophonist, been performing in NYC for the last 12 years, producing for the last 5 years and looking to make connections and work with as many people as possible.
Versatile and adaptable UK based Female Music Producer, Vocalist.
I am a Music producer, with great Knowledge of musical instruments and song compositions. written for artists like Kiss Daniel. Burma And Teni
I will bring a unique rock 'n' roll voice to your record with my guitar, and it will support the story and vibe of the vocal.
Only Good Vibes
I've got the perfect sauce for your vocals & the right balance of spices to add to your mix to help you deliver not just professional quality tracks but a wide array of flavor palettes to your fans.
House of Blues residency singer
Recent Successes
"Nico is the superman of vocals"
"great producer"
"Good experience with Tony he put the necessary emotion into this song and change things right. I recommend it very sincerely .Thanks .Edmé"
"Feel extremely fortunate to have an individual with such a great catalog help craft a better sound. Larry's word doc provided a great reference with how to send and what to send to make things super straightforward an..."
"Nothing to complaint about. Lainy delivers a super professionel service. Great quality of recording and she puts emotion in her work."
"Noah is a Godsend. While carrying out a sonic mission, Noah can maintain sincerity, insight, and balance. Begin your journey with the teacher of the ages. You won't be disappointed. "
"Speedy and attentive. Thanks Fred!"
"Great stuff!"
"Thank you. It’s perfect."
"Wow! Such a quick turnaround time with an accurate and professional vocal recording. always a pleasure working with Lottie"