Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with GX2 feat. TJB | Mirror (remix)
Meet TJB, the versatile music producer and mixing engineer who defies genre limitations. With expertise in pop, hip-hop, electronic, and more, TJB's exceptional tracks break boundaries and inspire artistic visions. Unlock your unique sound today with TJB.
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My name is László Gálosi I am offering music production service online or local in Budapest, Hungary. From complete production process including song-writing, demoing, pre-production, recording, mixing, mastering through individual elements of the process such as editing, sound design or remixing in different genres in music.
Hi Soundbetter. I'm an award winning songwriter, producer, and sound engineer. Berklee educated certified Mixing and Mastering Specialist.
I am a Mastering Engineer based out of Houston TX. I have 20 years of experience in the field. My career started at SugarHill Recording Studios- wearing many hats from intern to Chief Staff Engineer, to Mastering Engineer. I also trained under Dave McNair learning techniques for vinyl production.
Established UK recording, mixing engineer with high level music production experience, offers full music production service with his composition, arrangement, & production partner in their fully equipped Pro Tools HD Native studios in Santiago Chile. Specialists in Music Production & Music for Film as well as a remote Mixing & Mastering service.
I'm a singing songwriter with a love for all things storytelling! Ok, simply put, I'm a singer who specializes in singing. I've written (produced & recorded, too) songs for TV movies and sung on stages with some of my icons including Smokie Robinson, Esperanza Spalding, and many others. Let's sprinkle some soul on that project of yours.
Had been an assistant engineer in one of the Taiwan's greatest studios, Platinum Studio. Now, I want to start my own business with the skill and experience of audio engineering I've cultivated over the years by providing satisfying service for customers. Specializing in Audio Mixing, Editing and Noise Reduction.
Composer, productor, mix and mastering
Recent Successes
"The vibe and energy was amazing. it was a collaborative effort and the song came out great! looking forward to work with him more songs and I would highly recommend him for songwriting, vocal production etc! "
"Great work, he has understood perfectly what I wanted. A great vocal. I am very happy to have worked with him"
"Awesome job"
"Silver is one my favorites and looking forward to our next song~~~"
"Three songs into the project and Jim deserves more than 5 stars. He is so comfortable to work with and has great input into the tunes. "
"Thank you Beth delivered great vocals in perfect timing !!!!"
"It is an honor to work with someone as talented as Denny! Super friendly and professional. Looking forward to working with him again real soon! :)"
"LOVED working with Phil. He was as quick and responsive as one could possibly be, and turned around the parts at lightning speed. And most importantly, his playing sounded phenomenal. Soulful, thoughtful, and tasteful..."
"Fantastic like always. Great masters and prompt delivery. Thanks Eric!"
"Very serious, very responsible, very careful and at the same time extremely creative, very passionate about work, and very easy to communicate professionally. He adds a big surprise to the work and raises the overall..."