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Guanajuato Audio Engineers, Producers & Songwriters
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Future Sound Systems is an independent "audio service provider" based in the heart of Bristol, England. We offer a variety of recording services including remote mixing, mastering and editing, synthesizer tracking and processing, location recording and media transfers. We are proud to be the in-house engineers for the Moog Sound Lab UK.
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Professional Piano, Keyboard player & Arranger. R'n'B, Jazz-Rap, Neo-Soul, Jazz ___100% Quality, Precision, Reliability
Love to write and produce my own music - in search for big anthems :-) Influenced by many artists, to be categorized into two strands: 1) The "bands": U2, Coldplay, Oasis, The Killers,... 2) House/EDM/Trance: Avicii, R Schulz, P Kalkbrenner, D Guetta, G Emery,... Another important strand would be euphoric/ambient/epic instrumental + film music
Mezzosangue - Umanista - Universal Music - Producer Bari Jungle Brothers - Le stelle Sopra - Universal Music - Producer
Specialise in mixing and mastering electronic/EDM music productions.
Manny Scorseyzé, a Film/TV Composer based in Los Angeles, California.
Multigenres Music Producer - Specific in EDM - Mixing and Mastering Engineer
Recent Successes
"Amazing singer!!! So professional! "
"I can definitely recommend hiltongrove mastering and will work with them again in my next projects. I needed one song to be mastered. The responses were really quick and the sound is great and cristal clear! Just perf..."
"Once again, Robin killed it. This was the second project he helped me out on and I'm looking forward to many more!"
"Solid, consistent, easy to work with. Everything sounds "bigger!""
"Second time using Brandon and again he delivered! Such great feel and tone, highly recommend!"
"I had a great experience working with Justin on a song of mine that needed saxophone. He was able to capture the vibe I was going after beautifully and added extra takes that took the song to the next level, I highly ..."
"Just finished up a project with Ryan and it was amazing. He really understands your project and puts his creative touch on it to really shine. Ryan also has a fantastic voice and his professionalism was top notch. Def..."
"Here's the only problem with Ryan. His parts are so awesome that I have to go back and re-do half the sh*t I already tracked just so I can kinda park in the same zip code as him. People are gonna be like, "the songs a..."
"It was a very good decision to have chosen Cristina to create the canvas for my song, I am very satisfied with the results."