Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with GT BMX
Over 35 years of experience in audio engineering with a wide range of genres and an amazing hybrid analog and digital studio. Telly award winner. Also an accomplished musician, songwriter, and producer. I can help you with both the technical and artistic side of your project! I specialize in vocal production including harmonies and arrangement!
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Welcome to MiddleGround Digital NYC. We are an upcoming service provider that puts the artists first. Our goal is to allow local recording artists the opportunity to produce content for their fans at a level very similar to the professional artists that they look up to. WWW.MIDDLEGROUNDDIGITALNYC.COM
Professional level lead or background vocals for your demos or songs ready to be released.
20+ Million streams worldwide, working with the biggest contemporary artists right now. So, if you're looking for a producer in the hottest seat, who can deliver you top industry sounding productions, then hit me up!
Experimental but Ear Catching.
Hello! I am Fory Fory Beats and I am a producer and beatmaker from Argentina, I started 6 years ago, but since I decided to dedicate myself to production and beatmaking there is not a day in which I have not produced something, that's why I would love to produce your beat!
Делаю крутой рок и метал звук!
Hi, I am Lexi! I am a vocalist and singer-songwriter. I have experience with a variety of genres, from Pop to Folk to Techno, Jazz, Soul, Rock music and more. I also practice Hindustani Classical singing, with a strong focus on microtonal precision, improvisation and melismatic phrases.
A experienced electronic MUSIC PRODUCER. I have dedicated myself to refinement and innovation within various genres that define the current electronic music scene. My work particularly stands out in genres such as Psytrance, Minimal Techno, Melodic Techno, Prog/Tech House and Cinematic Music. Each of these styles, with their unique touches.
Recent Successes
"He shows commitment with his projects. Very dedicated with music and does as much as he can to satisfy what you're looking for."
"Not only does Scott have great vocal skills he also made my Bass track sound fat. If you need a fat tight Bass track EQ etc, he can do that also. Go listen to Scott's songs and you will hear a great FAT bass sound on ..."
"It was a real honour to work with Zak. Very pleased with the results. He was very professional and easy to work with. Highly recommended !!!"
"Martin is a true professional. He is very talented in taking a concept for a song and bringing it to life. Although it was difficult for us to get through 10 songs remotely having never met, he worked diligently on my..."
"Awesome awesome work as always from Ziv!!"
"Andres is the best! 5 star in all areas and the added feature of mix coach puts him over the top! My only regret is that I did not meet Andres years ago! You now have a life long client, thanks so much from the "Music..."
"Cristian never ceases to amaze. He's an amazing talent with a heart of gold and we're fortunate to have such a stellar musician on our songs. Thoroughly recommended! "
"Had a great experience working with Derran! Took all my feedback on board and delivered a great vocal which works great with my track, super impressed. Would definitely work with Derran again sometime in the future, c..."
"What can I say about Chad’s work? Fantastic. He has yet again nailed the track and it sounds full and it’s exactly what I wanted. I can not recommend Chad more highly. Great work. "