Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with grand o
Working with Bay Area artists to get them to the top, the love I have for mixing and producing as well as the talent here is unconditional, I couldn't be more fortunate to have grown up in such an dope area, and to work with its artists.
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Hi! My name is Chris Michel and I am a Producer/Engineer/Mixer who focuses on recording music. I work with bands or solo artists in various types of recording studio environments, as well as my own studio. I have nearly 10 years of successful projects in many different genres. Please contact me to discuss your project and goals.
With over 2 decades of audio processing. We master everything.
Female Vocalist, songwriter and voice-over artist
Stagename: ANONOMOS = Writer, Producer, Rapper, Engineer, Filmmaker, Beatmaker, and Whatever we can image type of artist. Gear: Reason, Pro Tools, Fl Studio, Waves, Izotope, Native 12, Maschine MK3, MPC LIVE, Ipad, MiniNova, and other tools.
Hey, I'm Joe from Paris ! I've been a musician for more than 15 years working with different instruments. Currently, I'm a composer/producer for brands and bands from pop disco soul to electronic music.
My name is Jesús, I´m a composer, producer and mixer from Mexico. F**k the loudness wars, lets keep the dynamics ;)
Dj / Producer from México with a 6 years of experience on EDM and Latín music.
I am mix and master artist. send in your requirements for an affordable price.
Recent Successes
"great communication and really fast"
"Tyler went above and beyond what I expected critiquing my mix for me. He is such a knowledgeable guy and I learnt so much from the feedback and suggestions he gave me for my mix. "
"Pat really cares about your music and wants to get it where it should be. He did some additional production then mixed and mastered my track. He also gave me feedback on what changes to make to get my track to a bette..."
"She is an extremely technical and talented singer who is also a good vocal producer as well. Tuning the vocals in this project was not at all a concern of mine since she had done an amazing tuning herself which made ..."
"Pablo is an incredible drummer but even better than that he is an enthusiastic collaborator. We did 13 tracks together and I feel so lucky that his feel for music is on my album. His love for playing comes through in ..."
"Austin was amazing. A very forbearing person and professionl. I 100% recommend. "
"Agus is a magician who works fast and well. I'm impressed by the quality and speed of his editing/mastering. The communication is fast and concise and he went above and beyond on my project. I hope to work with hi..."