Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Gotika
I'm focused on the exploration of latin rhythms with a contemporary sound. I worked with genres like salsa, cumbia, music from the Colombian pacific, tropipop, reggaeton and rock. I like the fusion and the creation of new sounds.
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Сhristina Andrews is a professional soprano singer and a songwriter. She is known for her beautiful soulful style of singing and an incredibly idiosyncratic musical talent inspired by a strong blend of gospel, rock and classical influences.
classical singer and performer,trained in hindustani and carnatic classical music, performs indian light and film songs
A professional mixing and mastering engineer to give your sound the edge. Experienced in all essential aspects of working with sound.
Specializing in remote recording, engineering, and mixing. Classical music is my forte. Jazz, rock, and bluegrass are my mezzo. Beats and rap are my piano.
We are crew of sound engineers, music producers, vocalists, rappers and beat makers! The perfect team to make your track unique and with a profesional sound, booming around the room
For now my impressive accomplishment is having my music on different platforms worldwide such as spotify, itunes, deezer, tidal etc. Heres the link: https://open.spotify.com/artist/1FTNRJ4C4WX0H57Oh2JY3d?si=q72Ag-UKSW2ej5lQQf2a-Q
I´m a Brazilian musician with a long career as a sideman with great Brazilian artists like Tim Maia and Elza Soares and also as a 15 year band leader. This experience has made me be able to truly understand what you need for your song and music.
With Over 3 Years Of Global Recorded Music History @duceydaphatom 92 Records Prides Itself On High Res Music Quailty. 92 RECORDS LLC, Is A Brand Or Trademark Of Music Recordings Music Videos, Or The Company That Owns It.92 RECORDS LLC Is A Record Label Is Also A Publishing Company That Manages Such Brands And Trademarks, 92 RECORDS LLC
Recent Successes
"I cant emphasize enough how much of a genius this guy is when it comes to this music stuff! I wanna go out of my way to travel wherever he's located to meet him just for 30 seconds just to shake his hand! I mean, he..."
"William played 3 violin and viola solos for me and the results are fabulous. "
"We had to re-write the lyrics to the first track we worked on(I didn't give enough guidance). Kenya nailed the hook this time!"
"We love working with Tyler! She is a great artist!"
"Chris helped me with another four songs for my album. Everything was excellent, communication, musical skills and the final product. Thank you Chris for everything and hope to work with you again soon..."
"Darren is a fantastic professional, he made an excellent work! Thank you, Farren, and I'm looking forward the next time we have a deal!"