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Gosford NSW 2250 Audio Engineers, Producers & Songwriters
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Hey, I'm Matt Mullen. I have been a drummer for over 10 years and have been in multiple bands with many different styles. I currently drum for Them Dead Poets, a bluesy-rock band out of Chicago. I have a home studio where we have self-produced our own records in addition to other projects. I look forward to working with you!
Du brauchst professionellen Sound, hast aber nur ein kleines Budget? Das bist du bei uns genau richtig. Mit unserem hochwertigen Equipment und jahrelanger Erfahrung realisieren wir auch dein Projekt.
Freelance composer/percussionist/pianist/audio editor based in Berlin, Germany, specialised in soundtrack composition and dialogue audio editing.
I am a freelance audio engineer based in Montreal, Canada. My main expertise is in mixing, sound design, Foley and audio editing. I have worked with independent artists, bands and animated short film directors. I currently work as an audiovisual technician at Concordia University, Montreal (Canada)
Your mix/master needs sonic clarity, depth, width, movement and intent - Sounds douchey, but I will do this for you. Releases on Warner music & Kobalt.
Anahit es una compositora y cantante de género Pop de ascendencia Armenia y residente en Granada (España)
With two Latin Grammy nominations, over 100 released tracks, and more than 100 million plays, I'm excited to bring my experience and passion to your music projects.
I can mix and master as required. If you don't like it, I'll refund you. I'm a session guitarist and singer-songwriter based in Nairobi.
Recent Successes
"BoomFox has been great to work with. We have used her twice and each project has exceeded our expectations. She is easy to work with, responds quickly, and flexible with our ideas. Thanks"
"Matt is a consummate professional. He is super responsive, extremely patient, and talented mixer. Not sure what else you could ask for. Thanks Matt. Best, Lyle "
"Chris is helping and pushing the singer to their best vocal sounds. He got so much experience and knows how to make a voice sounding fantastic!!! Vocal editing? -> Always CHRIS!!! Thanks man"
"Larry is excellent at his craft. We had to try out numerous sounds on our project and in the end, the percussion and ambient sounds were perfect. Thanks Larry."
"We just keep making hits at this point !!!! "
"DEVMO did a brilliant job with her writing and vocals. she was very professional in communication and work, delivery on time and responded quickly to all my queries. Loved working with her, will definitely work in the..."
"I have once again finished a project with Ziv and I am once again happier than ever. He brought my song to the next level."
"Richard continues to be, in addition to very talented, a flexible, understanding and reasonable artist to work with. This is our second project together and there will be more!"