Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Good Grief
Music producer, songwriter, and artist with 13+ million stream on Spotify (2023). Work with the collaborator of Billboard and Rolling Stone-featured Vardaan Arora, RuPaul's Drag Race UK’s Tia Kofi, and Produce 101 China season 3 contestant Curley G.
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A&R • Engineer for @leanchihiro • Credits - Lil Durk • Gunna • Fauni •Pnb Rock • MadeinTyo • 24hrs • Quentin Miller • Yung Mal • ShadDaGod • Lil Keed
I will Mix and master your track to professional studio quality.
I have a wide range of experience & clear working knowledge of what makes a great song, from concept to final mix. If you need help establishing songs with strong, emotional lyricism, melody and the right sounds, I'm your go-to guy! If your song has the ability to connect, I'll help you bring it to it's highest possible potential.
Dugo, a.k.a. Takahiro Izutani, is a Tokyo-based electronic music producer, guitarist, which is the experiment on how to combine the sound of rock guitar influenced by flamenco with modern electronic sound in an organic form. He also has a career and a great deal of experience working worldwide as a video game composer.
In order to extricate myself from the typical way of thinking and employee mindset; I immediately had to become a paradigm shifter!
I’m Macedonian DJ/Producer already supported by biggest artists in the industry such as: Showtek, Nicky Romero, DJs From Mars, Angemi, Plastik Funk and many many more. Constantly delivering top quality songs!
Donato is a composer of film music and guitarist. He studied classical guitar at the conservatory and a master's degree in music composition for films, documentary videogames and TV series. He has participated in webinars and Masters of artists such as Danny Elfmann, Bryan Tyler, Joe Kataldo, Steffen Schmidt, Conrad Pope, John Powell, John Debney!
Instrumentals For Hip-Hop Enthusiasts
Recent Successes
"Amazingly talented and professional person! I would highly recommend him. With my project all gave him was a story and he wove it into an amazing song. Very easy to communicate and great at what he does. If you have a..."
"Fantastic sound, can't recommend highly enough."
"Jonas killed it again! Great work."
"TJ is an absolute star! I provided a type of sound and style that I was looking for in programmed drums, after a very short while he sent over EXACTLY what I was looking for AND played it on real drums, that’s both de..."
"Once again Brett killed it! Can't say enough bout him and his work. One of the best, as you can see from all the previous reviews! As always, to many more Brett! Thank you! "
"I've had a great experience working with Jaro. I asked him for feedback on my raw tracks and advice on the recording process, so that it's easier to achieve good quality in the mix. He provided clear, detailed and c..."
"5 stars!!! Top performance on my song, by this genius guitar player. He took my acoustic chords and crafted a complete masterpiece, bringing flair while keeping the song's emotion. Excellent work again by Vanja, a tru..."
"⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Stephen Carey crushed our latest demo! He's always professional, has a great sound, a very highly recommended vocalist!"