Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Gold Blend
Hip Hop / R&B music producer, rapper, songwriter. Performed at Boardmasters festival on the BBC intro stage in 2021. Creative mind.
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Marsh Mastering is a top-tier, no compromises audio boutique with an outstanding global reputation specializing in custom audio mastering for today's Vinyl and Streaming formats while supporting all digital and analog legacy mastering formats.
40,000,000+ Streams / Numerous #1 Singles & Albums in Ireland / Featured on RTE and TG4 / Radio plays worldwide
Hi, my name is Rhett Harken and I am a session drummer based in Knoxville, Tennessee. I have played drums for over a decade and have a home studio dedicated to recording drums. My gear consists of Tama drums and Meinl / Zildjian cymbals. My goal is to bring life to your music, and create the most desirable sound your music deserves.
I am a mix/mastering engineer and musician with 25 years+ experience. I run the renowned Dude Ranch Studio here in Norway and I have clients from all over the world. Our specialty is audiophile sound at indie-friendly budgets. I have worked with progressive artists like Airbag, Tim Bowness and Wobbler, and established artists like Rachel Haden.
Music Producer, arranging (acoustic or eletronic), mixer and master.
Play Guitar and Piano and Produce me and my customers
As an artist from New York, Alex takes pieces from all adventures to create a visual and audio soundscapes that reflect something different.
Music Producer/Audio Mixing and Mastering
Recent Successes
"Amazing sound engineer! Top quality very professional mix and master."
"My favorite on this site! attentive, thorough, passionate, and f***ing dope ahaha. Good work Merty. Good luck on your tour thanks for working so closely with me on the music!!! I appreciate you taking the extra effort..."
"Second time working with Mikhail! I came back to Mikhail because of his work ethic, patience and enthusiasm. Mikhail will work with you in an always positive fashion, to fine tune every nuance in your mix and to arriv..."
"Incredibly talented as a singer and writer, and willing to work with you until you get what you want! Can't recommend her more, super professional! "
"Great mastering engineer "
"Great working with Tanya! Very professional, outstanding vocals and clever ideas. Highly recommend!"
"JONAS IS AMAZING!!! Jonas perfected everything from the levels, to the clarity and did so while maintaining the original mix vision for the song. The song sounds SO much better now! I feel so much more confident about..."
"Great guy. Very knowledgable in audio signal chain flow and music gear setup. Helped me out a lot. Highly recommend."
"Jayson mastered one of my electronic tracks. He was super responsive and easy to work with. The end product was awesome...the track is crystal clear and well balanced, with very nice punch on the rhythm. Great experie..."