Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with GMA dove awards
Award-winning latin and hiphop music producer Cardec Drums,has worked with the likes of Lecrae, Andy Mineo, KB, Redimi2, Alex Zurdo amongst others as well as having been featured in sync placements with Netflix, Apple, Hulu, T-Mobile and many more. In 2023 "Get out My Way" produced by Cardec was featured in the Sony Pictures Film "Gran Turismo"
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Experienced sound engineer
Hey my name is Edward Myers and i been making music since i was 11 I always learned everything on my own.i came along way with music every since i was little i wanted my own studio but its coming slowly. I want to be a producer more than a rapper i like mixing master or field recording or just pressing record i live for music. I got inspired by my
2Track Entertainment specializes in giving you the quality sound of todays top trends in Rap/Hip Hop, RnB and Dark RnB.. With a unique approach to Analog/Digital recording and mixing we deliver clean, punchy and dynamic mixes every time.
I'm a Music producer and mixing engineers , I live in Italy ,I have been in the music field for more than 20 years playing bass guitar and keyboards ,I followed several mixing and post production courses, as producer together with the dj Alex Natale we have made several productions that have gone very well at European level
Producer and audio engineer here to take your songs from good to great.
Full-time session singer and songwriter with years of experience in studio and on the stage. I've been working for cartoons, TV spots ( jingles / themes) and POP productions. I'm absolutely open-minded - BM in Jazz performance, I'm totally in love with contemporary music.
I'll mix your song and take it to the industry standard level. Bringing to life your vision of the song.
Session Drummer (Live/Studio Performance)
Recent Successes
"Got everything I wanted and needed in a timely fashion. Definitely helped to improve on my original sound!! Quality was stupendous! That man is Gooooooood!!!!! "
"This is the second time I have worked with him. Excellent job arranger listeningI recommand it"
"Very professional, all the detail in the first message assured that he would care for my track. It is reassuring to go with an actual mastering engineer and not just a producer, mix eng., master... do-it-all guy. I..."
"Billy is one of the easiest singer i worked with.Tell him what i want and he delivers. It was a pleasure to work with him."
"An absolute pleasure to work with Buca. He is a true professional in his musical instrument and and his communications. I will continue to work with him on my future projects. I highly recommend him. He will do as you..."
"Simon is an awesome person and professional to work on this project with me! Fast deliveries, fast communication. All a customer could dream of!"
"Oren again made a great string arrangement for me. Fast and top quality work. He is also a very friendly and a good communicator. "
"An excellent and talented saxophonist! It sounds great and great!"
"Mickey is an absolute don!! Defo know what it needs to make a hit! quick, professional and the quality is 10/10!! Easy to work with and we got a banger!! Cant wait to work again!!! She's up there with one of the best ..."