Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Global Deejays
Expert for mixing & mastering! Several European awards and chart listings! Millions of annual streams on projects I worked on! Regularly booked by Warner Music, Sony Music, Universal Music, Discowax, Napalm Records, .... Napalm Records signed artist!
PRO Mixing and Mastering Engineer for Electronic Music
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More providers:
Professional Singer-Songwriter , Director of Vocal Coaching Peru. Founder and Director of the Program: Vocal & Stage Performance Workshop
Let's make your awesome creation reach its full potential.
IF you’re looking for a fantastic Mix Engineer, who will give your project my full attention, one who is happy to offer Flexible, independent rates to unsigned artists? Then read on:
Hey, there my name is FRE. I am a music producer who specializes in genres such as K-Pop, Hip Hop, and R&B. I have had a few placements here and there but most notably by well-known rapper Ray B in Vietnam and a Thailand YouTuber WinnyNaNa. I do have a long list of credits with underground upcoming artists as well if you want to see that.
Analog Mastering for natural sounding Music
Singer and songwriter
Blues and Rock guitar player. Versatile and creative.
Recent Successes
"I love the final product! You're the best in the game. Thanks for working with the late notice and giving the best service out here!"
"It was great to work with François. He was super quick, and really understood what I wanted from each song. He even went beyond what was expected with one track in particular, which wasn't recorded well enough, by edi..."
"Amazing as always, every time I´ve finished a song there comes the extra excitement of working with Andres. He gives that extra mile for each production and you can be sure about an outstanding quality. Desde Cost..."
"Joe is terrific to work with. Breathed new life into a track and made it even better than the original. Easy to work with, clear communicator and brought great ideas to the table. Can't wait to work with him again!"
"What can I say but "expectations exceeded!" Robin did an amazing job on guitar. His production has so much heart and soul. I can't wait to work with him again, AND, he came in ahead of the deadline. Great artistry!!"
"Yet another great collaboration. TRUTH brings fire every time and really cares about the project. Do yourself a favor and hit that contact button on her profile, you will thank me later. "
"Always great stuff coming from Oli!!"
"KORA is a very talented singer/song writer, This is my second time working with her and it won't be my last! can't wait to work with her on more projects. Thank you KORA!"