Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with GlenGang
specialized in vocal recording, mixing vocals and making beats
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Grammy nominated engineer based in Glendale CA. Mixed By Fai I respond faster on ig @ DjFai
Music Producer - Song Writer - Sound Designer Credits: Mickey Shiloh, Yoshi, Atikin,
Southern Recording Club is a modern vintage high-end production and recording studio. Affordable rates, a truly vibey environment. Housed in a detached property, set within a semi-rural position in South London(UK) A totally inspiring environment along with all the necessary technical tools with a country side feel.
Creative and innovative producer from Queens New York. I love working closely with my clients to deliver their ideas and visions into a record that exceeds what they thought was possible.
Proficient in writing lyrics in English and French, composing topliners, and providing female clean and operatic vocal recordings for Metal bands. Experienced in operatic vocals and lyrics for gothic doom band Spell of Enchantress and as a composer, lyricist and singer for Gothic Metal band In Spite of Thunder. Angelic mezzo-soprano voice color.
Mixing & Mastering for Petrie, [ K S R ], Mercy's Cartel, Ed Staal, Safiyyah and more. Also the lead singer in Petrie :)
I am a Montreal based musician and mixing engineer. Whether you're looking for someone to mix your song or write and record tracks from my home studio; I will do everything I can to bring your music to its full potential. Check out my website for more info: https://julianiacovantuono.wixsite.com/julianiacmusic
A self-taught mix engineer with a solid work ethic and a knack for bringing out the best in budget recordings. I'm new to SoundBetter, but I have about 10 years experience focused on mixing. If you're looking for a mix engineer that has the patience and experience of working with recordings from cheap mics and budget gear - let's talk.
Recent Successes
"Austin made a solid mastering of my track, he made it louder and cleaner, as expected. He kindly accepted to replace the original track file without any fees, and made several mastering versions of my track according ..."
"Nate is an awesome person to collaborate with - he pays attention to your ideas, returns fast and is extremely kind. It was a great experience including a superb result. "
"Austin is the absolute best! He will take the time to make sure that your track is perfect no longer how long it takes, he takes feedback and turns around changes very fast. Highly Highly Recommend. "
"Aaron can literally sing anything!! He is extremely versatile, and is an excellent singer. I will be hoping to hire him again and again. A great find!!!!!!!"
"Adam is a phenominal producer and teacher. You will get more than shiny beats and a well orchestrated production. He has alot of knowledge and experience that will help you on your journey in music."
"Riley was very fast with responding and getting my master to me quick. Sounded great! Will be returning again!"
"Hamilton is a monster talent and player - and top of that, just very open to ideas and direction while already providing such a great creative interpretation of the music himself. That's the kind of studio musician th..."
"Austin is a world class professional and just great to work with. Another track!"