Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Girls Rock Santa Barbara
Hello, I'm Amy Fitz Doyley and I'm super excited and happy to help you complete your project! Rates are based on the Musicians' Union Non-Classical Recording session fees: https://musiciansunion.org.uk/working-performing/recording-and-broadcasting/recording-agreements-rates-of-pay-and-consent-forms/bpi-agreement-and-consent-forms
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Hello I'm Benjamin Thomas aka Beatzy. Depending on which day of the week it is, I can be found traversing the magical landscapes of music production, songwriting, performance, photography, mycology and twerking. I'm a classically trained multi-instrumentalist who's also equally at home working with singer songwriters and electronic artists.
I'm a 19 year old female rapper from Los Angeles. I can write a hit verse in under 30 minutes and record it perfectly within an hour. I write all my lyrics, therefore I can write a verse to fit any topic. If you're looking for a female voice to fit your track and make it great, then book me, I work extremely fast.
Need your tracks recorded, mixed, mastered? S-WIL Media is here to help with that.
I'm an extremely versatile vocalist and songwriter. My songwriting specialty is melodies. My Neo Soul EP is on all platforms.
One of my tracks '3rd Eye' was played by David Guetta on one of his famous radio shows.
productor independiente
Como parte de una corriente que busca incorporar lo orgánico a la música electrónica, deconstruyo, transformo y reutilizo elementos naturales primarios, asumiendo la búsqueda de sentido como algo fundamental y abrazando al mismo tiempo las posibilidades de profundidad sónica que brinda la tecnología.
Have you ever wished that you could have an orchestral string section play on one of your songs? Do you think one of your songs would really take off with the addition of a solo violin or fiddle? Look no further!
Recent Successes
"Absolutely amazing to work with, great communicator and provides you with exceptional talent! "
"Ariel did a very good job . She has a youthful pop sound. Wich is what iwas looking for . She was very quick getting the song done and friendly as well wich is for sure a big plus Well done"
"Working with Leny has being nice, he has great attitude and nice voice."
"Just got the finished album back and I am very pleased with the results. Guitars are absolutely crushing. Love it! I will be back with the next album when it is ready! Definitely recommended!"
"Jason was great to work with again. Very friendly and professional. He met all my requests down to every detail and worked until I was fully satisfied...not to mention the song sounds great! I plan on working with Jas..."
"I have had good reasons to choose Joseph for not less than seven songs of my new album which will be released in may. Highly recommended. "
"Another great job by Oli. 100% recommended!"
"The best part about working with John is that if he has an idea, he'll run with it. He's not afraid to try things and see if there's an opportunity to bring something out of a song that may have otherwise gone unnotic..."
"Sefi is amazing to work with. He has a great ear and mixes and masters to the highest quality, he will deliver you a track at exactly the same standard as what you'll hear from the world's best artists. He always make..."