Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Gillie The Kid
Im Culture. i work at Catalyst Recording in Philadelphia Where "Billie Eilish", the viral hit by Armani White was recorded mixed and mastered. I have been involved with numerous projects and numerous genres during the course of my career. Im not a hobbyist. This is how I pay my bills. I look forward to helping create value in your music.
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"Attention artists! Need beats that elevate your sound? Look no further. I craft dynamic tracks tailored to your style and vision. Let's collaborate and make your music stand out!"
Transcending cultural perspective of "Pop Music". Returning it to its nostalgic expression, accompanied with unique funky & melodic style.
I make beats for the creative writer, from heavily sampled based trap music to melodic acoustic beats. Send me your prefered speed and key as a basis for me to start your idea.
Experienced singer (20 years) and topliner for catchy pop melodies, English & French.
You have a song and are Looking for a pro-sounding studio?. The D.N.I Studio is a Production Studio for Rock-Metal bands, which can deliver the professionnal sound you need. YOUR Music, YOUR Sound
Pro pianist (he obtained a Master's Degree with full marks and honors and sixteen piano and literary prizes), composer, arranger and producer, software expert in Logic Pro and Sibelius, he can help you realize any project in any musical genre, with specialization in pop, classical, orchestral/cinematic, contemporary, new age, ambient, emotional.
Risk-Free Trial: Receive a complimentary MP3 sample of half your song, mastered. Love the result? Proceed with confidence to receive the full track in your preferred high-quality format.
Recent Successes
"Great voice, easy to work with"
"Very well done job, fast, accurate and responsive. And last but not least she's a kind !"
"Another great experience with Matt. Extremely professional handling of the project. The result is very beautiful again - as always. I can just highly recommend him."
"I absolutely loved working with Denny, he completely understand where I wanted to go to with the track. He reacts very fast and is very professional! The quality is on point!"
"Second song recorded by Evie and another incredible performance in the first take. Professionally delivered stems, with main, harmonies and more. Her vocals get all songs to an incredible high level. Second, but sure ..."
"Bruce can play fiddle and pedal steel with the same poetry. He is simply great and pro. Thank you Bruce for your excellence."
"This is the latest in a string of mixing project collaborations that have seen nothing less than top-notch production by Cooper. Both technically and creatively A+!"
"Another genius mixing by Yoad, can't get any better"