Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Gia Darcy
My songwriting has earned spots on Spotify's Fresh Finds, Fresh Finds Pop, and Fresh Finds Indie. Whether it's ironing out a second verse, figuring out why a chorus isn't hitting the way you want it to, laying down vocals, or writing a killer melody, I want to help create something great that conveys your emotions to a worldwide audience.
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Hello, I'm a recording/mixing engineer based in Gravina in Puglia (Apulia, Italy). I have 15 years of experience in the field and i own a recording studio here in my town. I work remotely for the most part these days, and i'm known for my infinite patience. :) I promise fast and clear communication throughout, and fast turnarounds.
I love making your music sound it's best! I've done a ton over the years ranging from Rock, Country, Americana, Bluegrass, Hip-Hop, Metal.
Audio Engineer for Gold & Platinum Accredited Artists
Music Producer and Composer with over 15 years of experience, specializing in R&B/Soul, Electronic, and Hip-hop/Rap. A seasoned keyboardist and pianist with 13 years of expertise, and a bassist for over 17 years, creating dynamic and innovative soundscapes across multiple genres. Skilled in both studio production and live performance.
The most important part of a song is the story. The second most is the groove. I make sure songs have both.
Pianist, Keys and Synth Player for Grammy, BET, Soultrain and Billboard Music awards winning artists.
Are you seeking captivating songs and toplines infused with irresistible hooks and poignant lyrics? Look no further! I specialise in crafting memorable melodies and lyrics that resonate deeply.
I know how to make your vision come to life in the form of music. Let’s work, I’m ready.
Recent Successes
"Another outstanding finished product with a talented crew who seek nothing less than perfection. I appreciate you guys. Thank you, .....Don"
"Kyle never ceases to amaze me!!!! He always does an excellent job!!! He's done numerous songs, and he always goes above and beyond to make sure its what I'm wanting!!!!! I highly recommend him."
"Betty has provided a superior level of quality, professionalism, and creativity for our project. She's engaged in her work, and it really shows how much she loves music and creating vibes. I look forward to working wi..."
"Ziv was awesome - fast and professional. He got a 3 piece guitar song out to me in under 24 hours, including a slide guitar and tricky sole. Would totally recommend!"
"I am very satisfied with the lyrics.That is what I was expecting to complete my song. Can not wait to hire ZephyrHillMusic again."
"Dennis' mastering is superb. Quick turn around along with exceptional sound quality. Managed to bring out all the necessary parts of the mix in a smooth and balanced way without it sounding over cooked. Great job! "
"Brooke's voice is incredible for sure! All her work was done in a timely manner and the finished product was very well done! She's a talented singer and songwriter. It was an absolute pleasure to have worked together. "
"It was great to work with Miranda on our project! She's written topline and sang in one of your tracks and we love the result! Will definitely work with her again. "