Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Gettin By - single feat. Krizz Kaliko
I write about real life; be it be it joy, anger, sadness, fear, etc. I also have songs of encouragement and education.
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I’ve mixed and mastered for hundreds of artists and thousands of releases over the last 22 years. I love what I do, and want to make the best out of every session. I have built an amazing sounding facility and no expense was spared on the gear I use. Analog and Digital Mixing and mastering.
Give me a melody. A beat. Even your bare ideas, and I can turn them into lyrics and a melody. Like a muse, when I receive your thoughts, I return inspiration.
Send me a WAV of your vocals and I'll turn into a radio ready song! I specialize in sync-licensing and I have placed songs in dozens of ads and trailers
Producing 'EDM x Japanese Traditional Instrument(Koto, Shamisen, Shakuhachi)'. Receive your requests of recording Japanese Traditional Instrument and mixing, mastering.
Video Downloader is a leading fast and free online video converter that will meet all your needs. Therefore, using Video Downloader, you can download videos, images, music directly and save them on all your devices.
I'm an experienced all around audio engineer. There's not too much in audio that I haven't tried to learn and implement into my skillset
Mastering engineer for pop, R&B, and alternative. My goal is to get your song competitively loud while still sounding like YOU.
Realizare las mezclas de tus proyectos Para que suenen a un nivel competitivo
Recent Successes
"Samuel is a very talented pro. Overachieved my expectations. The communication was always fast, clear and smooth, no problem at all. He revised as much as I needed without any complaint and the result was amazing! For..."
"I originally hired Hammurabi to sing on my beat. I enjoyed working with him so much, that I hired him to mix the song. I am happy with the end result. He keeps you updated on the progress and he knows what he is doing..."
"I was simply blown away by his saxophone play and not only that, he is a quick and witty multi-talented instrumentalist :) He really blessed my songs with his improvisation. I cannot wait to get more recordings fro..."
"Above And Beyond."
"AMAZING ARTIST all around. Great lyricist and performance is absolutely spot on. High recommended for sure!"
"I was SO LUCKY to find Jaye for my project! I wanted an R&B production with real instruments, not just computerized loops. And Jaye is a highly skilled multi instrumentalist as well as a loop arranger. He was the per..."
"I’ve had the privilege of getting 2 songs mastered by Jonas. His work is amazing but it’s his humility and professionalism that really stood out!! I recommend him to anyone looking to elevate their music. And I’m defi..."
"Always a pleasure to work, taking the simple concept of a song and then truly making it full and adding this own while still showing slash keeping the original musicians image and style. Top Tier"
"Always the best working with Hannah."