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Gela Audio Engineers, Producers & Songwriters
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Multi Platinum Award Winning Audio Engineer
World Class music production.
I am a Professional Mix and Mastering Engineer with more than 15 years of experience and countless finished projects. I can get the best out of your song.
Drummer | Session Man| Producer | Studio Owner 25 years experience and many recordings in different musical styles. I love to produce music and record drums contaminating sounds, with modern, vintage, electronic sounds, with creative solutions and in the best quality.
Very reactive and a very nice place to mix your tracks in Paris. Produced tracks for big advertising campaigns and indie artists.
We like to think of ourselves as your boutique option here on Soundbetter. Rather than churn out a quick production or mix, our approach is to provide you the best quality possible. Please be sure to check our Before & Afters in the "More Samples" section below to hear examples of demo-to-master, and mixing transformations.
Experienced Beatmaker who specializes in emotional trap beats (Polo G, Llil Durk, Toosii, Rod Wave)
You've spent so much time working on your song, the last steps should be taken with care and respect for the creative vision. My goal with every song is to give it the finishing touches it needs to translate your message to the listener.
Recent Successes
"This guy knows all about modern fashionable sound! Refugee not only works excellently with reference tracks but can always offer a lot of cool ideas for unique intresting sound. He is really talented! We did 4 cool..."
"Absolutely killed it, I didn't expect my song to sound this good! Corey is very easy to work with and adds in special touches to the song you didn't know you needed. I 100% recommend him!"
"I took a chance on Alexander because he didn't have any reviews yet. But he's been working as a professional full time musician for many years. Just new to Soundbetter. What a find! I'm shocked I have access to this l..."
"Adam was prompt in his all his responses and enthusiastically willing and ready to help me with any bit of creation I was working on. I'll definitely look forward to working with him again. "
"Jeff is an awesome singer who is even more awesome to work with. He really cares about the projects he works on. "
"Davide is an extremely fast worker, he is a great listener and is happy to change any minor detail that you'd like. He is open to any ideas and produces amazing tracks, I recommend him 100%"
"Leonel was incredible to work with! The tracks sound amazing. I definitely recommend this producer for all of your musical needs."