Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Gatsby
Mixing, Mastering & Production
MUB Recording Studio, 70020 Cassano delle Murgefavorite_borderfavoriteMixing, Mastering and Production Services
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Grammy-nominated Mix Engineer. My focus is on bringing to life YOUR vision - your ideas and your music. Happy clients include Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds, Miguel, Wu Tang Clan, Liza Minelli, Charlie Puth and many more.
Pro Session Drummer Tarik Ghiradella has become highly sought after in the recording studio. His Solid feel and flexible style make him a fun and easy drummer to work with. Tarik is precise, energetic and versatile. His talent, ability, musicality and genuine enthusiasm for life and music has made making records a true pleasure.- James Lugo
Mixing with attitude, without the attitude and when I'm not mixing I'm golfing.
Hey I'm Themba The White Lion! I've produced, written, mixed and/or sung on hundreds of songs for myself, my bands (The Khanz and Aikonawena), for other Artists (Swaré and Charly Lion) and worked along side Producers like Tim Powells (The CHURCH) and Michael McGlynn (Little May) for over 10 years. I really love what I do!
I am a songwriter/producer/mixer for Cutcraft Music Group and Concord Publishing. I grew up playing in bands and touring the world and transitioned into songwriting, producing and mixing about 10 years ago. I have a background in both Pop and Rock. This summer I had my first number 1 when Mick Flannery's album hit the top of the charts in Ireland
Worked with over 90+ artists from states.
I'm a singer-songwriter based in the greater Orlando area. I run my own studio space and specialize in vocal production and ambient dreampop sounds. I can help you finish your lyrics and design the soundscape for your next song. I specialize in taking a song from voice memo demo quality to a full, unique arrangement, ready for distribution.
The very essence of your song comes from heart and being authentic. Everyone want's to talk about how "big" it sounds or how "loud" it is. That's all well and good, but they all miss one important ingredient.. heart and authenticity.
Recent Successes
"This is our first time working with Alex and we are very satisfied with both the final master as well as the mastering process in general (very positive attitude, great communication, useful input, fast deliveries, hi..."
"Natalis has an amazing voice and followed directions very well and did exactly what we wanted. Her voice definitely sounds like something you would hear on the radio today. Highly recommended. Thank you!"
"Alex Did a Great Job. Great to work with!"
"Ben is amazing! When I first started working with him, I had just lyrics, a melody, and some chords. He helped me build an entire EP and helped me to learn the recording/producing process along the way. Great communic..."
"Denny is an extremely articulate, and attentive individual. His ability to deliver confident and consistent results while remaining congruent within the vision for the project, shows. What a pleasure to work with."
"Very quick turn-around, great sound. Thanks, Alex. Recommended. "
"Wow, once again as I have stated before....a brilliant drum track turned in by Bodo. He works quick and efficient as well as very pleasant to work with...about to send him more work as we speak!!! Thank you Bodo!!!"
"Giulia has a wonderful voice and she knows how to use it! If you have a good beat or a good song she will topline and record your stuff in a professional, flawless and emotional way. I'll work again with her for sure...."