Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Gasilove
I'm professional sound engineer and studio owner. I have big mixing experience in all music genres. My goal is to make your music sound better, to make you happy with it. I work hard for every project and always achieve perfect result.
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I am graduate of Bowie State University where I attained a bachelor's of science in Fine Arts with a concentration in music technology. During an prior to my tenure at the university I specialized in music production, engineering and composition. A currently would consider my forte composition as I am talented in writing music for the screen.
My name is Carlos, I'm a mix engineer base of Las Vegas Nevada, I'm starting to build my portfolio and I would love to mix your music, help you achieve your vision and at the same time you will help me achieve mine. I'm looking forward to work with you!
I love to make music. I love improvising, i'll do that all the time, and from that a lot of good ideas go out. I have to put that at work, hopefully in some kind of "win win situation".
Prolific producer, arranger, mixing engineer, sound designer, songwriter, film composer with numerous credits
There's The Music. The Vocal. And The Person Who Puts It All Together and Elevates It. That's me. And I'm good at that shit. Let's work.
I've been a musician for over 25 years. Tracking and mixing for over 10 years. I write, arrange and compose for just about any genre of music. My influences vary widely from rock royalty artists like Van Halen to film composers like James Newton Howard. Regardless of the music scenario, I work with artists to get the best out them and their music.
An argentinean singer with influences from all over the world using his wide range to establish himself in the music industry.
Recent Successes
"Andres is very proactive and open, great experience to work with him."
"you will be very pleased "
"Great job! totally nailed the sound / feel I was going for. "
"Went above and beyond what I wanted in their very first try too, will definitely be working with them again! "
"Chris understands me and my sound very well. His production and communication are second to none. I highly recommend and will be working with Chris on my other projects. "
"Jaye has been great to work with; he was very responsive to the ideas that I had and understood what was needed at all times. Highly Recommend!"
"Very good job. He met all my requirements at the first try and reponse time was extremly short! Thank you Yoed."
"This was second time I used his mastering service. I got couple tips for adjusting the track before I sent the final version for mastering. The service was really fast and the quality just super."
"Tina-Marie has a great voice with great range. She recorded both lead and harmonies for the song. "Oldemors Hage" by Spring Vibes set for release later in 2025. Tina-Marie’s vocals were a perfect match for both ..."