Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Gary Davis
Experienced jazzrock roots reggae pop Californian lead rhythm guitarist available for studio trackings tours gigs or to join or work with band and or artist. Working recording with the founders creators of rock steady and reggae music.
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Fantastic bass tone from an experienced Chicago bass player.
Creative recordings, Guitars, Pedalsteel and more..
Song-driven production, mixing and mastering by an artists, for artists.
1 Album and 4 EP’s all released
I am a musician since I was 7 years old. I work as a producer, beatmaker, multi-instrumentalist and mixing engineer. I am versatile to work with any musical genre, from Rock to EDM. My strength is to work with Pop, Reggaeton and Trap. I have got more than 1 million views on Spotify. Don´t hesitate in contact with me.
Professional drum-tracks for your recording with exactly the right sound and feel! My name is Stephan Schmeusser and I’m a drummer from Germany. I studied music at Bruckner Conservatorium Linz/A and over the last 30 years, I have played all kinds of music professionally. For more information, please go to: https://stephanschmeusser.com/
A Christian artist looking to help other artists with their music needs. Currently studying Audio Production at Full Sail University, while specializing in mixing and creative processes for my personal brand, PBJ.
Am Rite song writer and producer ,being on the filed for different talent hunts
Recent Successes
"I've now done 2 songs with Jason in the last 2 weeks. He delivered the goods on both of them. Turnaround time was very quick. Jason writes and plays great drum parts, his timing is rock-solid, and his drum kit, roo..."
"Lonna was so efficient and easy to work with that it's hard to imagine we weren't in the studio working directly together. The tonal quality of her voice is incredible and I can't wait to work with her again. "
"David was easy to work with and very professional. The project was done in a timely manner. He added in that missing element that was desperately needed to make my project sound complete. He mixed in his own ideas alo..."
"Mikhail is talented, diligent and extremely patient - he works through every nuance of your request to bring to life exactly what you'd imagined; and in many instances - even more! Thanks so much for your incredible w..."
"The Crushboys don’t ever disappoint, unreal talent, everyone will know them one day! Done 5 tracks with them wouldn’t trust anyone else. "
"Do your music a favor - hire Josh. Josh was wonderful to work with! He mixed my latest single and I couldn’t be happier with the results. He is a true professional: talented, great communication, flexible, patient, an..."
"Impeccable. Many projects done and more to come."
"With either electric guitars or bass, Ziv does wonderful work, and is on many, many of my songs now. I always appreciate his quick response!"