Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Gary Boyle
I started my journey in the music business in the early 70s at Morgan Studios, London. I quickly progressed to engineering and ‘cut my teeth’ working on sessions with artists such as Jethro Tull, Cat Stevens, Seals and Crofts, Man, The Strawbs, Rod Stewart, Argent, Neil Ardley, Hot Chocoate, Blue Mink, The Kinks, Murray Head, The Roches ……
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Hi! My name is Steve and I've been recording and playing music since I was oh....12 or so. Studio and location recording services as well as live sound and production. Can also provide audio for video production. I am a freelance engineer working out of one of the best studios in Philadelphia, Forge Recording Studio in Oreland PA.
My point is to make a great sound at any budget levels. I work since 20 years in music production, as a composer producer, mixing and mastering engineer.
More than 10 years in live singing across Europe, C3-C6, 3 octaves and 3 notes vocal range, dramatic mezzosoprano, sense of any style (rnb, rock, folk, opera, swing, jazz, EDM sounding), talent in writing, professional 32 mb dry vocals, 11K followers, more than 50.000 plays on Youtube.
I play pop/funk/rock guitar, I studied electronic music in two Italian conservatories. I'm a rock/hip hop producer and audio engineer.
Music producer of Colombian urban music.
Charles Michael Vaughn is a marketing expert and Charles Michael Vaughn has a great experience on his work
Kpop professional Top liner & Lyricist & Guide Vocal
Multi Award Nominated Mix Engineer & Producer. Credits include Mali Music, Mr. Talk Box, Jershika Maple, Joshua Vacanti, Paul Wall, AD Green. I'm a reliable remote engineer with over 10 years experience. Easy to work with, prompt with deadlines, and discreet with your project.
Recent Successes
"I had a pretty clear vision of how I wanted my new song to sound in the end, and David was able to make it happen. He is a highly skilled sound engineer and easy to work with. It was a great experience to work with hi..."
"Matt deserves a 5 star. He will definitely take your song to the next level. He's got a lot of patience and he's also very good at communicating things. Looking forward to working with him more in the future."
"Austin is Awesome!!! The song that I had mixed by him sounds like a top 100 Billboard Hit now!! His level of professionalism is extraordinary; any changes I requested were fixed better than I would have expected. D..."
"Elliot always does an amazing job, and always in a timely manner! I have already had multiple songs mastered by him which I am super happy with, and I will definitely be hiring him for the rest of my upcoming projects..."
"Drew is an absolute weapon in the studio. His vocals, lyrics, and overall professionalism are next to none. You are in safe hands with Drew, he will knock it out of the park for you, and for whatever reason, if you wa..."
"Andrew Capra is an incredible singer who exceeded all my expectations. His passion for music truly shines through in his performances. He was professional, prompt, and easy to work with, making the collaboration a suc..."
"Awesome job by Tom! So very professional, great taste, consistently fast @ his track turn around. A real professional! Thank you, Tom"
"Fantastic work as always, Daniel is incredibly patient, detailed and his work reflects the highest quality one could ever ask of! Thank you Daniel!"