Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Garcián
The perfect combination for vocal production, editing, vocal comping and recording.
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I help artists release music
WFM Studios & Mix Suite, Northwest Ohio and Southeastern Michiganfavorite_borderfavoriteWFM Studios (Wired For Music) focuses on mixing your music. Tracking is available via freelancing at regional studios that have great tracking rooms. Main engineer Walter McKeever has been making records since 1988 and has taught Recording Arts at Owens State Community College since 2003. McKeever is an Avid Pro Tools HD Certified Operator.
balancing a career of live sound / production and studio engineering / mixing
I specialize in the creative and delicate applications of noise and fuzz. I have experience mixing studio recordings as well as live sound. I play and mix indie rock records! Please reach out to me with any questions you may have!
I am a producer, multi-instrumentalist and songwriter and versatile in many different styles of music. Hit me up for Beats, Production, Songwriting or Tracking, I'm happy to work with y'all.
Offering music production for your album, game, movie or any other project.
Welcome to my page ! I am a producer/remixer/ dj I have an experience on producing music 3+... Contact me and listen to my tracks out there. I have100k streamings on YouTube, check my work as Deep Seducer on Spotify and YouTube.If you like my work I can make any remix you could possibly want... Thanks
Hello, my name is Santi a.k.a Atea:ma and my service is to offer my clients and listeners textures, rhythms, and melodies intended to reconnect with the inner and outer energetic worlds through meditation. If you would like my art to accompany yours do not hesitate to send me a message and I will gladly communicate with you.
Chilled saxophone for dreaming!
Recent Successes
"If you haven't already engaged Marco for work,then you really don't know what you are missing!!!!! Marco's musical knowledge totally blows me away every time he works on my tracks.His work is always delivered in top q..."
"5/5, Rob kills it with every song!! Perfect mixing and mastering. Thank you!"
"Awesome job again! Just finished this job onto creating another one for him to do tonight!"
"Miles Davis...oh I mean Sergio did my song a whole lot of justice with his French Horn and Trumpet parts. Beautiful and exceptional trumpet solo. Fitted right in with the groove. Awesome! Totally proficient and pro..."
"TJ is a top-tier professional - no doubt about it. His mix/master is CRISP, and he truly helped get my song over the finish line. I'll be back for the next one, TJ. Would highly recommend to anyone in need of mixing/m..."
"Jaki is very patient and professional even the task I have given her is not very easy or smooth. Really glad to have her in this project. Wish her all the best in her career."
"I'm blown away and could not be happier with the work Victor did. I highly recommend him for your horn needs and look forward to working with him again soon."
"Shy continues to not only do an excellent job with what he is given, but elevates my music to new heights. Easy to work with, very communicative, looking forward to the next number of projects together. "
"Austin is the perfect travel companion: with him you can also create a project of multiple songs, trying to finalize your creations according to your taste. I'm very happy to have worked with him"