Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with GaetanAllard
Berklee College of Music graduate with over 10 years experience in the music industry from building music venues, co-creating a music PR company to releasing records and playing guitar for signed artists. I have an in depth understanding of all the various facets of this industry in the UK.
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Hello, my name is Bad Boy Bill. DJ, producer, remixer, and mix engineer.
Hi my name's Lucy Wood, I'm a singer/songwriter originally from New York and now based out of Los Angeles. I've been writing and recording professionally for over 5 years. I'm experienced in live and studio vocals as well as writing for myself and other artists. I specialize in Pop, R&B, Country and EDM.
I'm Chrys No I, and I produce records, make beats, and write songs. I have worked with creatives, which include Lihtz Kamraz and Drama B2R.
Our goal is for our clients to feel that this is the best investment they've made in themselves. We appreciate your business!
HI! I am a drummer . I record drums to your songs
I'm here to bring your projects to life!
Are you a new artist looking to get your songs out into the world? Let me help you! I just completed a 1 year internship at a studio here in Austin, TX and am ready to take the world by storm! My passion is helping singer/songwriters bring their songs to life and I am looking to work with artists of all genres.
Full time Drummer / Session Drummer / Touring Drummer
Recent Successes
"Good work, on a professional level. A real specialist for, EDM and Bass Music! Glad, that we worked together!"
"Time and time again Elliot brings the needed final touches to my songs. I know my full album will be in good hands when the time comes!"
"Brad, as always, has been nothing but a pleasure to work with. His communication and level of work are unparalleled, and quality is guaranteed with every project that is presented to him. His work with my dance-pop cr..."
"absolutely phenomenal and went above and beyond to help me with what i wanted! i 100% recommend her to anyone "
"DEVMO has a true gift for lyrics, rhyme, cadence and swag! She was a pleasure to work with. Great communication! She is a busy young lady, so if you work with her understand that, but the outcome will be well worth ..."
"Stellar job, I've been looking up to Kellin's band and voice for 10 years and now I have him on a track of mine, life is crazy! Great communication and super quick turnaround. Book without hesitation, you'll be in exc..."