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Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Fuzzle
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Spanish sound technician graduated since 2012 at Cislan. I am music producer too, titulated by de San Jorge University (Seas Valero). I have experience with Hip Hop music and other similar genres.
Hello!! My name is Mike, AKA Death Kitty Disco. I write, produce, mix, engineer and play all genres of music.
I'm an electronic music producer with a high end acoustically treated studio.
Gifted award winning storyteller turned DOPE songwriter! I feel melodies and I translate that feeling lyrically. From over the moon bliss to earth shattering devastation...I transport you and connect with you via passion and transparency.
Ultimately, music is my calling, my passion for it has fuelled my drive to continue on composing new beats, melodies, and sounds everyday. If you would like a sample of my work, please let me know, more than welcome to forward them to you.
Last year I did some projects for Netflix, McDonalds and Temptation Island. I also worked with big artists from The Netherlands.
Hey there! Your favorite bilingual singer-songwriter and latin artist based in Miami, FL. I am a versatile vocalist, with an unequivocal talent for improvising. I have the ability to work in any genre, both in English and Spanish and have 7 years of experience performing live and in studio.
Here at Kaze Audio we'll make sure your music has fantastic sound quality!
Recent Successes
"Austin is a real pro- extremely talented and super easy to work with!! Highly recommend."
"Summer absolutely delivered. She was able to understand a few basic musical ideas and then add the exact subtle emotion that I wanted for this song. I got the vocal lead and harmonies on high-quality recordings, all ..."
"Working with Tyree is a pleasure. His ability to listen to what you want and translate it to a quality end product is phenomenal! This is no easy feet when collaborating remotely!"
"Patrick continually delivers an amazing product with the patience of a saint. I highly recommend him. "
"I had a very particular request for Lonny and he send an excellent proposal. For the results he went the extra mile and really came through, highly recommend working with him."
"Ben nailed it! I pitched him a basic acoustic version of my song and he kicked back a ROCKIN’ track for me! His turnaround time was extremely quick as well. Super talented!"
"Once again, it's been great working with Alex. We made a great song. The journey continues..!"
"Eric did a fantastic job on my track - I use Eric a lot for my Techno Productions."
"I absolutely love Julia. I really wish I could explain how amazing of a guitarist, and more importantly, a human being she is. She is a part of my team and I value her tremendously!"
"Top level quality.very good job ! Thank you ! No hesitations."