Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with FTUREABLE
criativo , versatil , disponivel para todas suas ideias e gostos sobre produções para sua carreira artistica. entre em contato e vamos fazer novos projetos.
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"Invested with a quiet grace and emotional power" -- Bloomington Herald-Times
i'm a 25 year old, fresh, innovative song writer. i write raps, pop songs, hooks and choruses. love songs, self praising songs, catchy tunes, you name it, i do it.
92 Nguyễn Chí Thanh, Phường 3, Quận 10, Hồ Chí Minh, Vietnam
I make records in LALLANA STUDIO and I play guitars and pedal steel.
I'm a trained engineer out of Nashville, TN, can produce or mix any genre of music, and have worked in recognized studios such as Blackbird. Would love to work with anyone.
I'm a dedicated producer and composer with 5 years of experience, channeling my unwavering work ethic into crafting musical experiences that resonate.
Medal Productor de musica electronica, pop, reggaeton
Music producer with specialization in Advanced Music Production and Audio Post Production for Filmmaking and Video Productor musical con especialización en Producción musical avanzada y en Postproducción de Audio para Cine y Video
Recent Successes
"really took the time to help me put my vision to life! thank you"
"Ellee is an awesome writer and artist, really open to advices and ideas. We did an awesome job on my track, I really suggest you to work with her. So satisfied. "
"Delivered a vocal within 24Hours !!! Was super surprised how quick Denny's deliver was. The vocal was top quality and professional. What a pleasure to work with such a talented vocalist. Clear, crispy and tran..."
"Went on a fairly random search for a vocalist for a new track, came across Chloe, loved the sound of her voice and decided to see what she would do with the song. It turned out amazing. Very cool vibe, and great to wo..."
"Chad is THAT GUY! Done a handful of projects with him and he never disappoints. Always a pleasure, an amazing professional, fast and understanding to the song’s vision. Mad love for his work and commitment to making t..."
"Matt did a stellar job mixing and mastering my song. He was super professional and communicative, and the end result was great - he really elevated the song to another dimension. Hope to work together again! "
"Jophil is absolutely a magician ! very conscientious professional guy with great tools! he finished my song in few says. value for money!"
"Definitely a pleasure to work with. Very prompt and engaging. And of course very talented."