Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Fried Okra
Noah Rosanes is a well acclaimed Danish/American producer, guitarist, songwriter and artist who works in a wide variety of genres from underground to pop.
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Greets! I like to do record or mix or produce or just write. Any of it. I'm a songwriter at heart and do my craft my own projects too (www.jeremysimon.com). I suppose you can say I can see both sides of the story when you're trying to get a great recording done. Anyway, I love people and music, and I'm here to help make your music best it can be.
I have mixed and mastered many hip hop and rnb songs. Also reggae & gospol music. I am very passionate about making sure we make the best music possible. I have 10 years experience in music production and would love the opportunity to make your song sound the best it can. Please listen to some of the mixes i have provided. Hopefully well work soon!
The BBC once described my style as "off-kilter pop that takes you through all sorts of twists and turns and surprises."
I have composed lyric songs for very few artistes, anthems for schools, songs for various competitions which was all successful.
Major label sound at independent prices.
My name Fernando Diniz, i'm a professional Bassist and producer based in São Paulo, Brazil. Over 20 years of experience in recording and producing. I want to help you make awesome music.
Working to exceed expectations
Recent Successes
"A truly gifted player, he's great to work with, a total pro, couldn't recommend him highly enough. :)"
"Thanks to Ariel lyrics idea and vocal that my song turned out so beautifully. Ariel understood my expectations thoroughly and got things exactly the way I want them. Can't wait to have this song produced and have Arie..."
"Kellr is excellent to work with, good communicator and always comes up with a great result, always exceeds expectations, highly recommended."
"Another great collaboration with Eric. Amazing feedback and fast to deliver as well as always. "
"There are some major pros on this site and I've been blessed to find the really good ones. However, John is one of the great ones! Professional, patient and amazing work! He's waaaaay to kind."
"Marcello nailed it again. His ability to mimic a song for our parody needs never ceases to amaze us. Not only is Marcello professional and sounds amazing, but he works extremely quickly also. Grade A quality, rec..."
"Mark is a very talented artist, that reputation no longer has to do, but he still remains very attentive to the needs of the project, at the service of the music. I loved our collaboration. The recording is of very..."