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Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Freischwimmer
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SoteldoBeats is a Venezuelan songwriter and music producer based in Medellín. Soteldo was in charge of producing the second single from Bad Bunny's album ''YHLQMDLG'' titled ''Ignorantes'' ft Sech, said album 1 year later leads him to be the winner of an American Grammy for Best Latin Pop or Urban Album.
I make your songs sound larger than life and filled with depth, clarity and punch. Need a sizzling guitar solo or acoustic guitar tracks ranging from vibrant strumming or intimate finger-style? I have you covered!
"An outstanding performance from an outstanding talent. He knocked it out of the park. What a voice!" - Ben Hill
I'm here to help you with a vocal top line
My name is Shushu, I have a passion for writing songs! I have started writing at the age of 10, I was always fascinated by how one song can comfort you when you feel blue, or reminds you of great moments! I have published my own songs on most of Music Apps. I'm Loving This, More Than Ever, Light Light, Last Talk
Quick turnaround. Professional quality. Reasonable prices.
Georgian DJ, Musician and Singer .Tristan Dalakishvili ( David Stan ). Musical Style (Deep House, Dancepop, Eurodance, ChillOut etc.) Грузинский DJ , Музыкант и Вокалист .Tristan Dalakishvili ( David Stan ) . Музыкальным Стилем Евляется ( Deep House , Dancepop , Eurodance , ChillOut И Т.Д )
Studio- & Session Saxophonist (Tenor and Alto) cert. Mixing Engineer (Mastering Academy),
Recent Successes
"Arthur is the guy to mix and master your songs! Great mixing/mastering engineer and awesome to work with, quick responses and will do revisions until client is happy, pays attention to detail and delivers clean mixes..."
"Once again, Shelley delivers an impeccable track, and with a fast turnaround. On top of his natural talent, she bring a commitment to the project that I'm sure will benefit anybody, under any circumstances."
"It was a great experience and honor to work with such a pro and talented singer. Beautiful clean voice, top quality stems. Sunnie could read my mind and knew exaclty what I was looking for. "
"Otto is a pro, we had a vision for what we wanted our song to sound like and thanks to him we knew even in the early stages of the song that it would be just what we were after. We don't know too many singers who h..."
"I've been working with Elliot since 2018. There's nobody better."
"Always a pleasure working with Nick! Very talented producer who can get your track to where it needs to go."
"ZIV IS A musical BEAST! Flat out, end of story, thanks for coming! Ziv seriously left me speechless, I still have goosebumps from what I just experienced Words seriously don’t do it justice. For anime fans Goku ..."
"One of the best drummers I've ever worked with. Look no further, John is fantastic. Wonderful experience and excellent communication. He delivered professional quality drums with an extraordinary sound and feel. I'l..."