Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Frank Rotandi
Recommended by Warren Huart of The PLAP Academy as a local Producer, Stephen has most recently been producing original electronic dance rock songs for upcoming Artist Stevie O Rocks, a full re-production, mix and YouTube Series to one of Kaedyn Kashmir's songs and has recorded Lead Guitar tracks for Artist/Producer M@rly T. , Sally-Whitham-Shaw..
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blues guitar specialist who has writing credits as an artist and collaborator.
Weather it's hip hop pop country rock pop rock u send in delivery a well absorbed message that gives all mass potential ...........
AV Records
Benyamin ( Benyamin Mohammadi Amlashi ) born 12 April 1986 is an Iranian, Composer, Keyboardist, Violinist, Singer, Music Producer and Designer.
3-5 chord Pianist ? Naahhhhh... 30-50 chord Piani... ? Nope. Well, then a new genus, garden fresh ideas and serving hot melodies ! Try me to reveal the magic :-O
I will record top quality, tasty and groovy drums for your music or song in my home studio. I will compose or produce your song in Pop or Jazz styles. If necessary, I can write a score so you can give to other musicians to perform live or studio.
Hey, I'm Kyle, a multi-faceted producer, mixer, and engineer who wants to help you bring your ideal music to life. I always promise to deliver high-quality work in a timely fashion, making me the perfect choice for anyone up-and-coming that wants great work, done fast, with a highly communicative and experienced professional.
Recent Successes
"Stella was willing to help me in every capacity I had hoped for when signing up to the Soundbetter platform. She went above and beyond in her duty of care for my music. For what little it is worth, I highly recommend ..."
"Mella is very careful to deliver the vocals exactly as you asked for, but equally capable of enriching your track by adding her own touch if you let her. She's very flexible, professional and client-oriented. Work..."
"Great to work with, very receptive and talented"
"It was great working with Donkristobal. He worked with us to make sure that we got our vocals as intended and I can't wait to start mixing with what was shared. I will for sure work with him in the future on other p..."
"Sara delivered on all selects of the project and then some…so happy to work with her again…highly recommend partnering with her on your next project! Super professional, timely, and talented…"
"Marco once again hit it out of the park!! Amazing producer and SO great to work with. I would recommend him a million times over :)"
"Mig is top notch. ALWAYS make you sound great! I’ll be back!"
"Ilia is a masterful player and great collaborator. With great communication, patience and taste! "