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Franca - State of São Paulo Audio Engineers, Producers & Songwriters
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Bachelor's degree in Music Production from Full Sail University, multi-instrumentalist, easy to work with, and very communicative.
Fodera Guitar artist and NY Blues Hall of Famer - Ferocious blues rock & beyond NYC Style. Award winning composer, arranger, producer and performer.
I love to be creative and innovative, providing radio-ready music while I mix. I never work with presets and only use plug-ins or analog gear to create an organic sound.
LET ME HELP YOU FINISH YOUR TRACK AND TAKE IT TO THE NEXT LEVEL. I've been in the industry for 10 years and am known for being in the bands The Driver Era and R5, in which I was a songwriter and drummer for both. I have exquisite taste and can remix your song, write top-line and lyrics, play drums or add additional production for extra flair.
I'm an 2x award winning Estonian recording and mixing engineer with over 15 years of experience working with both local and international artists and producers. When mixing and recording i always follow two simple principles: - mix a technically correct tune - seek for this something to give the tune a fresh/ unique sound.
Add the sounds of a theremin to any music piece
Hi, I'm Håvard Lunde-Olsen! I'm a producer and the founder of Autumn Music, a production company specializing in producing, composition, mixing, and mastering of pop music. My mission is to bring out the best in every artist I collaborate with, creating music that inspires and moves listeners around the world.
Recent Successes
"Myyyy man :)"
"Rami really brought my track to life. This is the third time I used Rami to mix and fine tune a song of mine - and he did an awesome job! Fast, easy communication 10/10 👏🏽"
"so, so, good. ideas and playing that fit my song perfectly. thanks "
"This is my first time using Garrett's services for mastering and I couldn't be happier. His expert ears and opinion allow him to deliver a properly finished product. My song is ready for distribution, and I will defin..."
"Great Work again! Fast and good!"
"Working with Bruce was fantastic. Very easy, he got it right on one take and his fiddle skills are amazing. I know who I will use next time I need a fiddle track!!!"
"it was my first experience on soundbetter and i chose austin for its affordable prices and unlimited reviews. indeed, he listens to each review in the mix and it's nice to work without pressure. on the other hand, I h..."
"John has worked on five of my songs as well as the fine-tuning for the masters of my upcoming EP, and he's gone above and beyond to make sure they sound great, have a distinct and attention-gripping sound, and make su..."