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Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with forrest nolan
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Let me take your art to the next level!
If you're reading this, I know music is your passion, and we have that in common. Your music deserves time and attention and someone dedicated to providing the best possible sound. Top quality gear combined with years of practice are the reason you should collaborate with me on your project! Hit me up for a free consultation on your project!
Very versatile writer, with prestine schemes and concepts. Can write for men and women equally.
20+ years of experience as a vocalist. Session ambiance cellist. Rhythm guitar. Affordable production.
My name is Robbie Cadet, and I specialize in finding ways to make your production bigger, and finding ways to make them stand out. If you need a professional Mix & Master, or if you need any aspect of production for your song, feel free to message me.
I have a degree in popular music and have been working with mixing, mastering and production for about 16 years. I have an eclectic musical work that travels between varius styles like Jazz Fusion, Pop, Traditional Brazilian Music and Rock. My objective is always to help artists achieve their goals. Let me know your project and how I can help you.
I’ll mix/master your song for an affordable price
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Recent Successes
"What a legend. Vic went above and beyond to ensure that my song became an absolute beast! His creative flair developed the song to another level and I couldn't have been happier with the results. Vic showed care in..."
"Riley turned in a top notch master for a pop project I am working on. He was highly responsive and understanding and was able to complete our job quite swiftly. I am pleased to recommend his services."
"Fantastic Vocalist! Professional Attitude and dedication to his work. Really quick delivery times as well (Y)"
"Second time that I work with him! Simply the best! Fast and professional! Very talented too! Love to work with him! "
"We had a country pop tune that needed to be punched up lyrically. We shared our goals, deadlines and direction for the song, she asked some great questions, and then she got to work immediately. She embraced it like..."
"I have done more songs with Stefanie then I can count. She is by far one of the best singers I have recorded in my life, super fun to work with, extremely nice, super musical, and all and all the perfect collaborato..."
"Another great batch of tracks mixed and mastered by Sefi. Great ear and attention to detail. I can always trust that Sefi will take the tracks to the finish line. High quality sound, making my band sound our best!"