Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Foema
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Being highly passionate of music, producing, mixing & mastering there is no better audio engineer then Kevin Meurer for the price of his quality sounds. With 8 years experience in audio engineering Kevin has developed to be one of the top engineers in Staten Island, New York being very well respected in his community.
I am a singer, performer, producer and songwriter with 200M+ streams. Anything you can imagine, I'm here to help you achieve.
Hello, My name is Bryan Robert. I am an internationally active producer, songwriter, musician, and educator. With over two decades of experience working with a wide variety of artists and studios, I know how to deliver high-end productions in the studio and on stage. I am the person you would want to work with for your next project.
Luca is a Grammy Award Winning engineer, producer, and multi-instrumentalist based out of Los Angeles, CA.
Casually Here: Artist/Producer/Mix/Master/Composer. 'Possible Worlds' out now. Engineered, produced & mixed Orlando Weeks (The Maccabees) 'A Quickening' album. Collaborative electronic album as Casually Here w/ Lawrence Hart on Hotflush Recordings. My focus is on building distinct sonic worlds for records with a very high attention to detail.
My name is Luke and I'm an audio engineer based out of South Florida! As a budding audio engineer with a passion for delivering exceptional sound quality, I am excited to contribute my skills and knowledge to your team. I look forward to worlking together!
Compromise and sensitive Producer, Mixer, Coach and Guitarist specialized on songwriting and sound quality.
Graduate from Full Sail University with a Bachelors in Music Production, I have worked with various artist to help get their songs to sound exactly the way they want.
Recent Successes
"Again, Simon did a fantastic job. Super fast, efficient and met our expectations! Looking forward to work with him again. Philippe "
"The 6th track with Enrico, and - once again - a very creative and professional journey. This time he plugged in his guitar and contributed also as a musician. His additional recordings gave the track a surprising new ..."
"Works insanely fast, delivers exactly what you want!"
"Amazing MIX! Really make my song come to life. Will be sending the entire album to Matt! Great guy"
"Perfect product every time we work, we will be working constantly in the future!"
"It has really been an honor working with Peppe, I have felt supported all the time; He really understood my point of view and he is a super attentive, kind and and charming person. He is truly a totally professional ..."
"Perfect. Amazing pleasure and feeling w/ Maria. I'll repeat soon. Thanks one more time"
"She is so a wonderful and powerful singer not yet found. I am so glad to have found a jewel who can shine my work to the world!!!!! Simons"
"Nate is simply awesome. He listens carefully and quickly picks up on the vision of a song, adding quality production and artistic value every step of the way. He consistently delivers what we want, and what we didn't ..."