Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Flowers 2
Let me help bring depth and feeling to your film with songs that will move your audience; violins that will bring tears or drums to ignite. Whatever you are trying to convey, I know I can help with the right mood of music. I would enjoy working with you and bringing your vision to life on the screen though sounds and music.
More providers:
I specialise in mixing, mastering and re-amping rock, heavy metal and extreme music, however I have a worked with bands from many different genres both in the studio and out on the road.
Beatmaker/composer/producer with more than 110 million streams looking for projects to enhance. I have a unique sound that fuses genres and crosses borders with a playful twist. I specialize in hiphop beats, electronica and craft music that tells a story.
Hi, i'm Fla and i am a producer/mixer/guitarist from Zaragoza, Spain. I want to serve your vision and be involved in the creative process of your song, bringing live to the song that you have.
arts council/prs funded composer, producer, engineer and multi instrumentalist.
I'm a fun, positive human and an experienced musician and producer. Whether you need help polishing songs, a vocal coach, creative production ideas, a string quartet arrangement, a transcription of your track, or just a cheer leader in your corner, I'm ready and willing to help your musical vision come to life!
I’m a singer/songwriter/recording artist with over 15 years of experience. I have over 500,000 subs on YouTube with over 70 million views from doing original and cover videos. I’ve been on Team CeeLo on the season 3 of The Voice and the Top 44 of season 4 of American Idol. I take input well and can adapt to direction, production, and style easily.
Pop singer and songwriter available for hire.
As a versatile music producer, I have the skills and experience to produce and write in a wide range of genres. With a deep understanding of music theory and a passion for creativity, I am dedicated to bringing out the best in every artist I work with. Let's make great music together!
Recent Successes
"Has a great ear when it comes to mastering!"
"Quick work while he’s out of town, best quality work i’ve heard, best service and communicate very well. Highly recommended!! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️"
"Wow! Mark is such an amazing musician and collaborator. He is a fabulous, creative bassist - the lines he crafts are just perfect and the notes just bloom; full of technique and expertise. The tone - it is just amazi..."
"AMAZING! 10/10 Brilliant producer. Great communicator and made as many amends as I wanted. Definitely would work with Rafael again!"
"It’s unbelievable what BeatsMadebyFresh has done for me! He’s helped me re-construct an old album of mine and made it better. We’re almost there! Four more tracks! "
"Loved working with Jessica on my podcast trailer music and intro/outro. This was our second project working together and I love how the finished product turned out. It was so nice to have Jessica's support & patience ..."