Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with fgm stunna
Producer, Engineer, and Studio Owner with a decade of experience working in the music industry. Client satisfaction is what I am committed to and making sure your project ends up how you envisioned it. My expertise can assist in a variety of ways whether it be producing, mixing, mastering, songwriting, or instrumentation.
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Music Production | Hip Hop Artist
Music producer from Brazil. Specialist in Latin, Pop, Jazz, Samba and Bossa music.
I can give to your music the Latin Flow, mixing the new world sound with our rich latin music styles. I am from Medellín - Colombia with 12 years of experience making music every day, I will love to work with your music, my goal is to get the best of your music and put it in another level!
Genuine Japanese sound. Mystical Shamisen (Japanese guitar) sound and traditional voice. Ambient and chillout. Add the effective spice for your music.
Pro drummer from Ireland with over 20 years in the game both recording and live.
Great vocalist and great at mixing and mastering audio
Versatile musician who holds a Masters from Berklee College of Music in Music Production, Technology and Innovation. Worked with clients across the globe on a myriad of varying styles. Takes a personalized approach with every project; with an emphasis on emotional effectiveness. Open to all ideas, viewpoints and lets everyone's strengths shine!
Recent Successes
"Excellent vocalist with superb delivery, Has the style of Future, Offset with Shabba mixed in. A great work ethic and very disciplined. He knows his way around the studio and the understanding of his craft and how to ..."
"Love working with Darren, you will too. He hasn't disappointed me yet"
"Bruno was great and faster than you could ever expect. He's was able to provide exactly what I needed for my project. 5 out of 5!!!!!!"
"Peach Row killed it on my song! His talent, attention to detail, and willingness to adapt are all invaluable. I'll definitely be hiring him again!"
"James is an absolute pleasure to work with! Not only do you get over 15 years of experience, quick turnarounds, excellent tips, etc... but James is also just a really great guy. I will definitely be working with him a..."
"I am so very happy that I found this incredible musician and kind, understanding, patient and passionate player and person. As previously stated, I will always always always work with amazing Pablo. Thank you for y..."