Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Ferran Exceso
Mixing Engineer ( R&B, Reggae, Hip Hop, Soul, Afro-beat) Low End Lover. Taste, Technique and Creativity.
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I am a vocalist,composer and a recording and a mixing engineer
Producer & Songwriter | Mainstream Pop, Synthpop, Modern Country | www.antisongs.com
Engineered and co-produced Behemoth's new album "Opvs Contra Natvram". My sound: organic, punchy and true. I'm a multi-instrumentalist with a great understanding of music. My goal is to reinforce the musicality of the track through various technical processes. The artist and their music always come first.
Psychedelic beats, Mixing
Greetings fellow music enthusiasts! For the past six years, I've been passionately crafting exceptional tunes right here in the heart of San Diego, California. My creative journey has been enriched by the vibrant atmosphere of local studios, namely Rarefied Recordings and 9th Vibe Recordings.
I pride myself on my versatility and creativity in all aspects of the process. I’ve been playing music my whole life and started production and mixing because I felt that many people didn’t share my standard of quality. That standard is what my clients love. I will work with you to bring your vision to life.
متجر Google Play يمكن للمستخدمين بمختلف أطيافهم الاستفادة من Google Play حيث تتوفر الملايين من تطبيقات وألعاب Android. وسواء أكنت تحب تشغيل الألعاب، أم التنقل عبر علاقات اجتماعية كثيرة، أم متابعة أحدث الأخبار ومصادر النميمة، أم شراء تذاكر السينما وأسهم البورصة، أم معرفة حالة الطقس المحلية، يمكنك الاستفادة من متجر بلاي في الحصول على تطبيقات وألعاب
Mixing and Mastering and Training
Recent Successes
"Every artist wants that "machine" behind them to be able to help put out quality material as fast and as sonically sound as possible. Matty is that guy!!"
"Amazing Singer, and a super cool guy !!! Cant wait to work again with that great artist "
"Amazing to work with. Incredible vision and work ethic. Highly recommend Matt to just about anyone! "
"Andres did an exceptional job mastering my songs. He was extremely communicative, helpful, and patient throughout the entire process. I especially appreciate the quality of service he gives his clients, and how much h..."
"working with Aubrey was such a pleasure. she's a total pro! did a great job mixing my song, added a couple of little nuances that I loved, I'm looking forward to working with her again in the future!!!!"
"Excellent voice, quality lyrics and even better melodies! Would definitely work with Bailey again and recommend."
"Very knowledgeable; therefore, also taught me a few things along the way. Also, patient with me. This was my first time getting my songs professionally mixed. much appreciated. "
"Sean gives you options and completely understands your vision. I’m grateful to have Sean as a part of my project. "
"I’ve worked with Dennis many times and he always proved solid, smart and professional tracks. He’s also a great guy to work with."
"Steve remixed for me a famous American song in a completely different style and I am very happy with it ! As always, he pays attention to every detail until the result is perfect ! Can't wait to work with him aga..."