Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Fernando Silva
I am a composer of popular, chamber and symphonic music. I have works in all styles. I work in professional studios and also use high quality digital instruments. What interests me most is what you are looking for. That's why I adapt to all agreed forms.
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Berklee College of Music 2014 Music Producer interested in working with songwriters, singers, rappers, other producers, film makers or anybody really who wants to make great art.
I am lucky to be gifted in several instruments. I like a challenge or a deadline but equally at home with presenting several ideas for a track or a solution to a problem track that has been missing that 'certain something'
I take care of all the wishes of artists, composers and labels in order to deliver them the best finished product they can dream of !
I've got a passion for all types of music and want to help you bring your projects to life !!! mixing / mastering or filling out your simple arrangements with more instruments. All genres welcome
Bass player for Delta Rae and several Nashville based singer-songwriters. I love playing music with new people. My playing instinct is to serve and support the song as best I can. I like a deep pocket and to sprinkle in some flavor when it is appropriate. I play Electric, Upright, Acoustic, and moog bass.
Hi, I'm Eramir Neto a Saxophonist form Brazil. I play Flute and Bass Clarinet too and I'm a beatmaker. I Recorded for several important names in Brazil as: Anita, Rael da Rima, Iza, Projota, Monkey Jayahm and many others.
I'm a Vocal Producer & Mixer / SingerSongwriter / Multi keyboardist whose specialty is song shaping. I live in Los Angeles, collaboration friendly and am always open for an introductory live chat. Look forward to working with you!!!
Experience studio quality – As an engineer I've worked at Metropolis Studios (London) & Summerfield Studios (Birmingham). I offer comprehensive services, including mastering at no extra cost. I offer a quick 1-2 day turnaround without compromising quality. Contact me at: zaclyndley@gmail.com
Recent Successes
"Wow the track you did was fire I really enjoyed working with you. Bottles up more hits to come thanks a lot man. If you're looking for someone to go hard on a track this is your man. lol I'm high swaggin............"
"Art is a great engineer. He’s versatile and is really able to understand your vision. He also is creative enough to come up with solutions to problems your looking to solve. He’s got a good grasp on sound scape. I rec..."
"The man. Super knowledgeable. Super responsive. Elite creativity. A++ all around."
"Incredible piano player and recording engineer. Giuliano is my go to session player at the moment !! Highly recommended "
"On fire everytime!!!"
"He was perfect! I would love to work with him again. Thank you so much for the clean stems and he was very accommodating to my request. I hope everyone works with him!!"
"Aaron is a wizard. He saved my track when I messed up my gain staging during my mixdown. He is the best in the game !! Don't look any further, start a job with him for any mixing / mastering assistance!!"
"Always a pleasure to work with Andres. Outstanding results."