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Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with fastx
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Live sound engineer (foh & monitor) Live broadcast operator
Los Angeles based performer. Instruments played include tubas, cimbasso, euphonium, bovine body parts, et al.
Multi Platinum Producer Mixer
Hello I'm 94 I bring a new wave of production to the music industry. I have almost 8 years of experience and take great care and concentration in any music that I do. I have worked on records with Ray J, Ayo & Teo, Kodak Black, Fetty Wap, K Camp, Soulja Boy & Many More.
Orchestral score for audio & visual media. I produce everything in my own studio. Place your order and I will deliver.
Beat Maker / Producer
You have an idea for your next song? Then it's time to make it atmospheric and catchy.
High quality music productions available! I am a working composer who has working relationships producing instrumental and full songs for tv and film. I work with the likes of Sony Music Production, as well as other highly rated US based production music libraries. I have the capacity to start your song from scratch and take it to completion.
Recent Successes
"Thank you so much for mastering "Simon Moholt, Zoe Ofilie - Limbo" album coming out soon. Great communication, and well done mastering."
"This was the first time I worked with Ollie. He was extremely fast and did a very good and professional job. The final product turned out exactly the way I wanted it! I will be doing more songs with him in the future...."
"Always great to work with Thomas! He does a fantastic job in bringing out the essence of the song."
"Dan is simply an amazing person and musician. I've loved every time we've worked together and this is no exception. Always delivers the best stuff with perfect sound"
"Excellent artist. Extremely cool person. Extremely talented. Great songwriter and great performer. I would definitely work with Ivy Marie again."
"Working with Raf has been great. I loved the mix I sent him but It needed more punch, clarity in the low/midlow frequencies, depth, wider stereo image, presence in the highs, overall depth. My song went to another lev..."
"It was wonderful working with Brittany. She is extremely professional and puts emotion into everything she sings. I’ll soon produce more tracks for her beautiful voice."