Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with FASHION WEEK
Producer, Mixing Engineer, Songwriter, DJ since several years. - Produced orignal tracks for luxury fashion - Produced an orignal song for a Fashion Show at the FW's Vancouver 2018, FW's Paris 2019 - Specialist in electronic music (any genres), Publicity - Diplomate of BIMM LONDON Music School
Violinist and string arranger. pure strings and innovative sounds. 20 years of experience in recording and arranging string instruments.
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My name is Gabriele Sanfilippo and I'm a sound designer, music composer and audio post producer. I'm 22 years old guy who come from Italy. Humility and utmost professionalism are the foundation of my approach to work. Recognized for solving problems quickly and excelling in many different facets of the music production industry.
Soul-pop-indie female singer with high quality recording signal path and quick turnaround
I specialize as a mixing engineer but I often find myself producing or co-producing songs. I find that the 2 things are very connected. Knowing how to mix often helps me in the production choices I make.
Mixing & Mastering CC Rochards studio Give me your songs and I will return them ready to upload to all digital music platforms
Musician and sound engineer with an eclectic background in sound and music.
Artist, Producer, Mixing & Mastering Engineer
Producing ambient music under my solo project 'Maf', writing music, playing & producing for 'Ortensia' alongside mixing & mastering for other projects.
Music producer and sound engineer with lots of top pop credits
Recent Successes
"His mixes and masters are great, he mixed and mastered for me one electro house track. I got the sound I wanted, the result is perfect. He respected the deadline, even if I had only two weeks for the finished track."
"A amazing collaboration with a fantastic person and professional Mastering Engineer. Rob works really fast and he grasp the idea with the song very quickly and deliver an amazing result!"
"Samantha delivered the goods... and then some! Cut all the harmonies I needed and wrote a few herself that worked perfectly! Highly recommend!"
"Excellent as usual!"
"Drew is one of the top vocalists I've ever worked with. His voice is outstanding and packed with rich, pure emotion that took my song to a completely different level. He's also fantastic at communicating and very intu..."
"Paul is not only an excellent mastering engineer but he's also an excellent musician. He'll fix 90% of your issues before you even know you had them. He'll be a true and very committed partner in your way to making yo..."
"In a recent project, I was completely stumped as to how to approach a certain section and Emanuel came to the rescue with something so good that I had to press pause when I first listened to it because it was so spot-..."
"Jaki is an amazing vocalist, and total professional. Great communication, great technical knowledge. Looking forward to working with her again!"
"Nate is an amazing producer, he takes your vision and brings it to life. Not to mention that he always goes the extra mile to make sure that the project shines."