Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Farhot
15 Years Experience. Platinum selling Songwriting, Award winning Productions, German Top10-Album Charts Mixing.
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I'm working as sound engineer in studio and live shows/broadcasting. Looking forward to meet and work with musicians and producers around the globe.
My name is Raj and I'm a lyricist. I'm from India and moved to USA. 99% of my time I'm either reading or writing.
Italian music producer / mixing engineer based in Berlin. I take the production from start (recording, session musician, arrangement) to finish (mix, master). I've produced Modern Sky Beijing, Sony, Universal, Warner and many indie labels and artists. Plugin designer for Denise Audio plugins (www.denise.io) and more
I am a mature and professional musician with over 25 years of experience.
Do you want to add true soul to your song? Do you have a horn line you need flawlessly delivered? Do you need a classic improvised saxophone solo that will take your tune to the next level? Do you need a full horn section arranged written and recorded? Please reach out, I would love to work with you to create something special!
Music Producer with more than 18 years of experience. Co-Director at Ferrán Productions. Arranger, Composer, Multi-instrumentalist. Worked for artists from several countries. Original from Cuba based in Japan
15 Years Experience. Platinum selling Songwriting, Award winning Productions, German Top10-Album Charts Mixing.
Escribo canciones para artistas urbanos
Recent Successes
"Definitively what we were looking for in the master. From now on I believe 100% of my mixes will be heading to Camilo Silva F Mastering. Also, perfect timing, even faster than expected. "
"Tyler went above and beyond what I expected critiquing my mix for me. He is such a knowledgeable guy and I learnt so much from the feedback and suggestions he gave me for my mix. "
"Darrell has done a tremendous job! Lifted the music completely. Extremely helpful and so great to work with! We've mixed 5 tracks with him, and there will hopefully be plenty more down the road."
"Such a pleasure to collaborate with Simon. Looking forward to working together again. "
"Did I tell you about Andrea's flexibility? For the first time, he made a magical sound for my sludge/doom project. And now he has created some magic for a hip-hop project. You can come to Andrea with any musical style..."
"I had such an amazing experience working with Klaas from South Korea. He is a true expert with kindness, and I’m very pleased with the outcome, thanks to Klaas and Soundbetter."
"My favorite person to work with! Emma is easy to work with and quick with her work!"
"Josh is such an outstanding topliner. The melody is super pop and catchy. Also upbeat and beautiful. Hope it's a hit song. I also found the placeholder lyric funny lol. Snap him before he gets too big :). Thanks so mu..."
"I would recommend you to get your songs mastered by Fred! He is highly professional and his way of communication is the best I've ever experienced.. Great ear for the tiniest details in your song! Many thanks Fred!"