Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Fantômas
Music engineer and producer with hundreds of genre-defining metal, rock, and dark folk album credits.
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Ronald J. Llewellyn III is a graduate of Mesa Community College's Audio Production Technologies program. He's used that degree to record/mix/master local punk, metal, garage, rock, rap, jazz, and classical acts from around the Valley of The Sun. He was also the lead engineer for Erratic! Radio, The Valley's only FM source for local noise.
Can my obsession with sound and orchestration benefit your music?
Music is my life passion. I've been making music since I was a child, and as an adult, I decided to make it my career professionally. I went to school for Music Production at Full Sail University just to make sure that I would be creating work thats at it's highest qualities. My only goal is to help others get their music/audio to its best form!
I am the unexpected surprise at the bottom of a cereal box and I am that french fry that fell "outside of the box": a fantastic discovery in the end. I am a melting pot of creativity mixed with a little bit of cheesy and a heap of sheer awesomeness with some sugar and spice of course. I am smart, confident, talented, funny, capable and beautiful. M
I produce custom music based on what you want your listeners to feel about you. I make sure that your character, your vision, your story, is in the song that I will produce for you.
We are a production duo based out of Chicago, IL and Seattle, WA offering song production, writing, and engineering. We each have 15+ years of instrumental experience and significant experience playing live and recording in the studio. We will use this experience to bring your ideas to life, or add instruments, vocal tracks, and creative vision.
- Certified Mastering & Mixing Engineer - RRFC (Advanced Audio Engineering & Music Production) - Mentored & Interned with Grammy Winning Engineers (Blake La Grange & Ira Parker) - Worked with G-Eazy, Vertigo Music, Bagzamilleon, Honcho Truth - Simply passionate about achieving the sound and quality you need. Let’s turn your hits into classics!
Milad Katwo Persian Rapper
Recent Successes
"Really nice job by Austin. I thought my original mix sounded pretty good until I got Austin's mix back. He really cleaned up the track and delivered a quality product. Thank you Austin! Two more songs headed your way."
"Kramer's mastering did a great job bringing out the nuances of my tracks and refining the rough edges. He even helped push my vocals to the next level. I'm very grateful for his work :)"
"What I have to say amazing job and very kind person ! Strongly recommend 👌 Thanks Carla ! Salvo "
"Great work. Fast and professional. We will definitely work with him more often. Top!"
"Ben is awesome! I came to him with fraction of an idea of what I wanted my song to sound like and he completely exceeded my expectations. We worked through a bunch of different sounds and feels for this song - experim..."
"Eileen was every bit the true professional. Explained every step from the get go & most certainly delivered. An absolute pleasure to work with. Produced an excellent result "
"I am absolutely thrilled to have the opportunity to work with Jameema. Love the track that we have created together and can’t wait to work with her again. From start to finish, Jameema’s talent and professionalism is ..."