Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Fantom Beats
Have you ever tried to write a introduction without sounding to mainstream? www.nilireyy.com
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I am a Afrikaans rapper/producer
Pyry can recreate the listening experience that you once imagined when crafting your song and take it from being a promising rough mix to a finished record that truly channels your vision with a refreshing and assertive sound.
Commercially published songwriter and guitarist for sessions, collaborations, lyrics.
With the song "Head Banging" I returned to Beatport's Top 100 of the Big Room genre.
I am a recording, mixing engineer and producer, who have work Rock, Metal, Jazz, Latin pop, indie, and everything in between!!! Contact me for pricing and special song packages!
Specialise in melodies and lyrics
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Hi I'm Richard! I created the music for several big TV campaigns and am also a composer for film music. So if you are looking for the perfect soundtrack for your commercial or film, I'm your guy.
Recent Successes
"Klaas always goes the extra mile to make sure you are satisfied with your project! He's extremely professional easy to work with and makes music sessions fun! Looking forward to working together again soon!"
"I got a whole String Section for the price of 1 Jonas! Thanks again, fast turnaround and awesome quality"
"Raena has an acute ear for what a project needs. Very easy to work with, organized, and such a great voice! I look forward to more collaborations."
"The track he mastered for me sounded amazing, he explained everything to me that I didn’t understand clearly. I am very happy with the results of my track he mastered for me! "
"I've LOVED working with Tom and he's done a superb job mixing 7 tracks of mine in total. He made my songs infinitely more pro-sounding and polished, listened every step of the way and is probably the most patient and..."
"This is my second time working with Calvin and he just absolutely smashed it. Sent him an instrumental to write to, no references, no anything, just let him do his thing and he knocked it straight out of the park. Top..."
"Tom is a pleasure to work with, and was very willing to make sure I was completely satisfied with the product!"
"Drew has a great voice, it was a pleasure working with him"
"My go to everytime for sorting out my vocals. Thank you so much Javi!! "
"Professionnel mastering ! Ready to release, it really sound Jamaican experience like i want it ! We have to work together again"