Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with FAMES Orchestra
Transform your orchestra's sound with my custom, creative arrangements tailored for the finest ensembles worldwide
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Emil Shayeb is a multi-instrumentist, award-winner, label owner (Valetes Records), producer and Recording & Mixing Engineer. From pop, to rap and stoner rock, he has worked with many different genres and artists.
Working at the intersection of mind, soul, and body. I can't get away from my pop sensibilities! Catchy hooks and choruses and emotive heartfelt lyrics for the acoustic work or rhythmic uplifting and at times reflective soundscapes.
Megan Leigh performs strong harmony and lead vocals live and in the recording studio. Lead and harmony vocals in touring indie folk duo. Versatile style ranging from folk, singer-songwriter and acoustic to indie, rock and pop.
Member of Club of Tone. Creator and producer of Topazz. Experience in music production since 1998.
I'm a mixer who understands an artist's artistic direction well and knows how to get the best out of songs. Je suis un ingénieur de mixage qui comprend bien la direction artistique d'un artiste et sait faire ressortir le meilleur des chansons.
Writer Producer of EDM, I love writing upbeat or moody tracks for long car rides and video games. Classical music trained but driven by a beat.
Productor musical en España
I have done it all from production, composition, engineering, and being a studio musician to marketing, developing, and mixing live sound. I have a great passion for the creativity behind making music. As a producer, I orchestrate the journey from concept to completion.
Recent Successes
"Varun is excellent at his work. You can tell he gives his all in his mixes and really tries to make your song the best it can be. He is very attentive to your specifications and works well collaboratively. He cares ab..."
"Excellent as usual! I really appreciate how quickly he works as well. Uber professional and after 4 tracks I’ve yet to have to ask him to adjust a take or give him any guidance. He just nails it!"
"Austin Is Number 1! Another super mix and master! Stay in touch for next song"
"good voice, good melody"
"Working with John was a wonderful experience! He was able provide the results I was looking for on my project. He also taught me how I could improve on my end to get even better results. He was very educational, and I..."
"A pleasure working with Chris again! We've achieved phenomenal work flow and results. A great rock mixer!"
"Kevin was an absolute pleasure to work with! He is an amazing producer, mixing and mastering engineer. He helped take my very rough/simple demo and created something that I could never have imagined. He was friendly, ..."
"Nicky did not disappoint one bit. He delivered 4 incredible masters, paying so much attention to detail and really taking the tracks sonically to the next level. Great communication, delivery was short notice but he m..."
"Fred is not only been reliable, but is growing past his excellence since I've first began working with him. Please hire Fred! "