Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with falso nove
Attention to detail, fun and soul alongside technique are the things that distinguish my playing and approach to music.
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My name is Jack and I'm a 17 year old recording, mixing and mastering engineer. I am currently taking a music production diploma at a world famous university, the Academy of Contemporary Music. I have already received top marks for my level 1 & 2 music technology BTEC. I have over 4 years experience in mixing and recording!
I mix like I cook, I enjoy it :)
Not my thing
I've been a professional bass player for over 30 years working with bands, singer songwriters and producers. For me the bass is all about feel and locking in to that drum track. Even if the drums are programmed and dead on the beat, a bass track with human feel makes a massive difference to the piece of music.
Hi! My name is Simock and I'm a Music Producer, Beatmaker, Mixing & Mastering Engineer with over 6 years experience in the music industry and credits from many labels and over 2.5 million streams on Spotify.
HEY! My name is ychaep, pronounced "Peachy". I like writing songs and building connections and friendship through music! I don't have any professional experience yet but I have to start somewhere! Message me if you're interested in making some magic!
I am Jonisa and I am here to help you write your next big song! I can write in a lot of different genres including Pop, Indie Pop, R&B-soul, Alternative Rock, Pop rock, etc. I can also do top lines for EDM, electronic songs. I have written and been featured in multi platinum selling tracks signed by Warner Music, Scorpio Music, etc.
I’ve been playing guitar and bass professionally since 1996. I’ve played live from Pittsburgh to Seoul. I’m primarily a solo recording artist across many platforms.
Recent Successes
"Lydia is reliable and melodic. I have worked with her several times..."
"Ruby produced an amazing vocal performance with great harmonies and ad libs. Ruby totally understood the essence of the song and delivered a fantastic melody."
"His kind attitude makes his voice more perfect."
"Working with Andres was so easy! He undrestands your track, he gives you tips on the mixing if necessary so that the mastering can be powerful and clean. Great experience, mastering sounds exactly the way I want..."
"Terry was very easy to work with and did a great job recording a lead vocal and backings for a track. communication, delivery etc. all on point. thank you "
"Jim mastered 12 songs that he previously mixed for us. Can't say enough good things about Jim ... his knowledge, skill, effort, and professionalism. Would rehire him for the next album in a hearbeat. No hesitation ..."
"She did a fantastic job on our cover of "The Sound of Silence." We are using her again. Norm Zada. "
"Bryan is a class act. He's got immense production skill and coordination in executing a vision from all the polishes necessary to complete production. A joy to work with all around. "
"Always will highly recommend Matt - He's my go to for my tracks cause he's provides really high quality mixes and is good at providing guidance on the audience ear. Also quick and communicates well! Thanks Matt!"