Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with F88E8E
I began rapping, singing and writing songs at the age of 14 and decided to pursue music after I graduated high school at 17. Since starting my musical journey I have put out four projects as well as a number of singles helping me to acquire over a million plays across streaming platforms. I also went on a fan-funded independent tour in 2018.
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I'm a Belgian based singer-songwriter with extensive international live, recording studio and television experience. I've worked with established artists including chart topping names. I have been the lead singer, songwriter and co-producer of multiple albums, have been signed with record labels and worked behind the scenes of the industry.
Recorded on more than 700 Albums. Contact me for for questions.
Two # 1 Pop songs, one Top 10 song/one Top 20 song, my name is on over 50 million records sold worldwide, also numerous commercials/TV spots, as well as toured all over the world with pop/rap/jazz/Latin jazz artists
With over 10+ years of experience in the audio engineering field I will be able to deliver a professional final mix properly mastered for you that meets the industry standards thus it will be ready for online streaming, digital platforms such as Spotify, iTunes, Deezer, YouTube, radio, television, internet and more.
Already signed with Sony Music, Warner, Hub Records and Braslive... Acting in the field of ghost producer for more than 5 years, with more than 100 sales being specialized in EDM genres
When u searching the sound, first thing is looking ur mind.
Music producer in Austin, Texas.
Pro Guitarist electric and acoustic (Nylon/Steelstring) offers recording services starting from guitartracks to complete songproductions
Recent Successes
"Great to work with, quick, and he brings your music to the next level."
"Justin rewrote my song exactly like I was hoping for!! I’ve got my own drinking song right now and I’m so happy about it! Can’t wait to work with him again!"
"Patrick is insanely talented. I was blown away by the 1st song he did. Now that he’s completed 5 songs, I’m kind of at a loss for words. Each song is totally different and unique, yet still cohesive. That is so hard t..."
"Once again, came back to Austin for a 2nd time, and without hesitation, will be coming back again for a 3rd time. He will mix/master your song to a whole other level, period."
"Amazing. Simply amazing! It's like Alessandroni (Morricone whistle)"
"Rob did a great job breathing life into my atmospheric techno track with a mix/master. This is my third time working with him and I'll definitely continue to work with him in the future. "
"Always a pleasure working with Alex!! Really nice guy and goes over and above to make the client happy "