Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Extraña Naturaleza
I am a music producer, recording, mixing and mastering engineer. I love working with artists and helping them refine their musical ideas. If you are looking for a committed, creative and passionate music producer for your next project, don't hesitate to contact me! I'm excited to work with you and help you take your music to the next level."
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Vejo tudo isso como uma junção de vários fatores, a arte sempre foi a principal finalidade e sentido desse universo musical pra mim. Mas vejo também a parte técnica e sentimental de cada trabalho serem indispensáveis para obtermos o ideal para cada Trabalho.
I am a pro melodica player recently nominated twice for the reggae Grammys for two albums I played on
I have worked with many of the major labels such as Sony, Warner and work frequently with Sync Licensing/publishing companies. I have been producing everyday for the last 8 years and I love what i do for a living!
i'm pretty good at making and flipping samples, i have about 350 youtube subscribers. it is not a really big accomplishment but it's my biggest
Let my clients talk : "Super professional, friendly and easy to work with, top product delivered." " Excellent guitarist and communicator. Dream collaborator for our song .Thank you "... and many more verified reviews like that !
I'm a fast working female singer/songwriter with lots of experience & passion.
Producing high quality beats for Artists, Businesses, Products & more. Specializing in HipHop, RnB & Trap. Audio Creative Director for @NathanAndFriends
Recent Successes
"Great to work with. Our third track together so its clear I find 3RVD a pleasure to work/deal with."
"Bailey is awesome! Amazing voice and fun to create with! Great communication also.. hope to create another song soon! Highly recommend!"
"Really captured the vibe I was looking to create and added a ton of value. As proficient as they come. Thanks Tyree. "
"Husks goes above and beyond to get your vision across. He’s not only great at making beats, but also at the communication that’s crucial to getting the song to be exactly how you want. He’s very collaborative, so ther..."
"Stefanie created a perfectly performed mokeup version for a Disney song we asked her to sing. She sang it beautifully and as always it was great pleasure working with her. "
"Brandon is by far the best vocalist / all round artist we've worked with on any platform. His quality, professionalism, speed of work - all of it - just amazing."
"Absolute pro. Second project with Jaki now complete. Talented, fast and excellent coms. We run a professional publishing label, and people like Jaki make our lives a lot easier. Thank you."
"It was such a pleasure to work with Bruno! He is so talented and knowledgeable and also kind. He created beautiful cello parts for my song and really brought the song to life! Better than I could have imagined. I'..."