Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Evil Elvis
Co-Producer, Co-Writer, Co-Mixer, and Bassist on "Fascination" by "The Birthday Massacre." I love working with artists who are looking to push the envelope in their genre. I've worked a lot in the Alternative, Rock, Industrial, Goth, and Metal scenes and I see my musical tastes as fairly eclectic. I've also engineered numerous projects over 20 yrs.
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1 DAY TURNAROUND!!! I can create music for you or your project. Services include: Music production, music composing, music mixing. I can add pianos, synths, or other keys to your project. Vocal tuning and audio editing services also. ProTools Certified iZotope RX Certified
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Recorded and mixed multiple top hits for several top artists. Also have worked with post and several movie companies; In The eyes of Tammy Faye. Have experience working in several different genres; bluegrass, pop, rap, rock, jazz, etc.
Felipe has been involved in audio production since 1998, with a short experience in audio post-production for advertising and a full hands on experience in music mixing and mastering. He's worked with The Mission, Los Hermanos, Só Pra Contrariar, Marcelo Nova, among other important names and recording majors in the Brazilian music industry.
I'm good at composing music (mostly rap) Also I'm a beginner, so please take that into consideration.
I'm a versatile Genre Music Producer, Mix Engineer, Singer/Songwriter and Rapper with experience of providing upcoming artists with the tools and techniques needed for the success of their career.
Relatively new to the scene trying to put my mark in the industry. Looking to network with great artists and build my credits up. You've got to start somewhere! So, let's turn your vision into reality!
I can mix and master any audio, I specialize in Indie-Rock, Punk, and Electronic.
Recent Successes
"Great quality. Great Energy. Will be doing many more orders with him for sure!!"
"Such a pleasure working with Andrés and love that he works with you to get the right mix for mastering in order to achieve a satisfying end result! "
"What's worse than a band that doesn't know what direction they want their own song to go? I don't know but sounds like a pain in the ass. Graham patiently pulled up multiple mix / tone options while we got it together..."
"Very kind and efficient, I can always count on Andres to do a great job. "
"Very professional!"
"Ricardo is the most easiest and professional person I have had the pleasure to work with His professionalism was mind blowing to witness. I’m very much looking forward to our next project You have the artist’s int..."
"I really enjoyed work with him, this is my 3rd times to collaborate with him and I really satisfied with all if his drum fills .. Will do collabirste with him again for sure ! "
"I always enjoy working with Aleesia, she's an incredibly versatile singer and communication is great! 3rd project with her Thank you so much!"
"This guy is a really talented songwriter! Cole was able to help me out with a song I was working on. It already had a lot of elements to it but he helped me with the missing pieces. My gut told me to just go ahead and..."
"Fred always deliver ! I highly recommend Fred to anyone seeking a mixing and mastering engineer who combines professionalism with a patient, client-focused approach. His work has exceeded my expectations once again, a..."
""A magnificent piece of professional work. The overall sound is both powerful and energetic, with plenty of nuances in the interpretation. Derek is a skilled multi-instrumentalist, a sensitive and talented musician. T..."