Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Eveson
90% of audio mastering is working with a professional who has a trained ear. With almost 30 years experience, I have the competency to provide powerful and clear masters. All of my clients receive free mentorship! Hire me as your consultant and receive crucial advice on your mixes. This insight helps you get better while lowering your cost.
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Growing up playing acoustic instruments in bands (piano, guitars, bass, drums) and later falling in love with the electronic world, I specialise in creating organic-feeling electronic sounds. I aim to touch and move the listeners and provide a beautiful (or weird, or aggressive) landscape to support the rest of the track.
"Fetish" - Selena Gomez (songwriter) "My My My!" - Troye Sivan (songwriter) "Miss Me More" - Kelsea Ballerini (songwriter) "Why" - Sabrina Carpenter (songwriter) "Hide Away" - Daya (songwriter)
Helloooo! I am Francina. I am bilingual songwriter (Spanish and English). Let´s do catchy MUSIC together.
Hello my name is Vito and I have been involved in the music business for over 10 years. I started out as an independent artist and have learned a lot throughout the way. I have released personal projects that have charted top 10 iTunes. I write in English and Spanish, top-liner, I also consult on digital marketing campaigns and rollout strategies.
Achieversbay offers editing and proofreading services to assist you with your academic issues while charging a reasonable fee.
Mehedy Hasan is a Bangladeshi Singer And Musical Artist.
After producing/co-writing music for such artists as Kyle Dion (SUGA album), Aaron Childs, Destin Conrad, Phabo, Jahkoy, M.I.L.K, Siaira Shawn and more, I have proven that I have a keen ear for songwriting and production that can cut through the noise. My music has 15+ million streams as an artist, and 100+ million as a producer/writer.
Recent Successes
"Amazing experience to work with Jonas, we work with him in our usual routine and we will continue cause he understand very fast what we want and we give us the results perfect and very very fast ❤️"
"It was great working with Todd Tobias again! My mastered tracks sound great, and were completed very quickly. Highly recommended! "
"Steve is an amazing singer. I was really impressed by the fast delivery & great quality. He was always kind & passionate about this project. Thank you so much :)"
"Tom did an amazing job taking my rough demo and mixing it into a radio/streaming ready track ready for me to release. He was incredibly patient, took on board my ideas and took the mix to places I didn’t think was pos..."
"..... we're really happy to be working with John so far......great understanding about the artist's vision and friendly approach on whatever issues that needs do be revised fixed through the whole process, with a trul..."
"great help as always"
"Second time choosing Andres to get my track exactly where it should be. Thanks Andres, always a pleasure "
"Nate consistently brings my music to life with his exceptional live drumming skills, perfectly capturing the essence of each song. His professionalism and effective communication make the collaboration process smooth ..."
"WINE did a great job creating an instrumental for a reggaeton song I am working on, it turned out much better than I expected, I highly recommend!!!!"