Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Evan Zegiel
Classically trained but molded by aggressive modern genres, Evan Zegiel is a musical powerhouse. He offers remote mixing services, takes commissions for new musical compositions, and can be heard playing guitar, bass, and tuba on his recent genre-bending album "The Human Element." He also performs regularly on tuba with orchestras in the Midwest.
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🥇 Multiple No.1 Singles 🥇 Album Of The Year Award. BBC Song Of The Week! Professionally Trained, 15 years Experience.
The award-winning songwriters at Starburst Music serve as lyricists, co-writers & publisher for an eclectic consortium of collaborative musical initiatives. Our common thread is love of music and story telling which continues to inspire us daily.
Heavy Metal, Writer & Producer My label btw, HGR Records, is a nonprofit designed to boost bands west of the Rockies... www.facebook.com/hgrrecotds I'm also shopping a film project with original 20-song soundtrack: facebook.com/bardsoffantasia
Drummer & Recording Engineer
Opto Music provides professional music production that specializes in genres such as Hip Hop, Pop and R&B, as well as audio engineering services. He has worked with multiple artists in North America and consistently provides quality sounding records.
Quality mixing available for any budget
For over 10 years in the recording scene, thanks to our team of authors, producers and videomakers, we have been working for important recording companies and big and emerging artists, with the guarantee of structuring a true artistic path and giving a concrete identity to every artist who chooses Shake Up Studio!
I'm a singer/songwriter working and living in Galway Ireland. I've sang in 60/70s classic rock and Irish folk cover bands and began writing and performing my own music a couple of years ago. I now facilitate workshops with young people helping them write and record their own music!
Recent Successes
"Just wrapped up my second project with Rob and couldn't be happier with the result. He legitimately cares about making your music the best it can be, taking time to do the job right and helping you to become a better ..."
"Truly a cut above the rest, I mixed a song using a below average app and He somehow made it professionally standard, I showed my friends the before and after and they were like....wow. He has helped me in my music ..."
"Always a pleasure working with Andres!"
"Gatlin was such a pleasure to work with. She went above and beyond to make the vocals on our track exactly how we wanted it. She's a complete pro and did everything we asked and got it all done extremely quickly. Her ..."
"Todd is professional of mastering. He did complicated job. Todd understand what need to make sound better for each sound record. Now my tracks sound great. They have new colors in sound. Tracks ready for distribution. "
"Great work! very patient and professional "
"Sam got the vibe of the tune immediately and shared his emotional connection to the lyrics. It was obvious from the first note that he was more then just a singer but an artist and gave a great interpretation of the ..."
"Markiss has been an absolute legend in my journey. With my hectic DJing schedule, his exceptional support in creating incredible music has been a game-changer for both me and my career!"